alexi wrote:
I am about to have my first meeting with disability services at university. Although I know that I need support (I've been to uni before my diagnosis and it was AWFUL) I can't quite grasp what I want from them. Or what they could provide. I can't even imagine what it will be like to go to the meeting.
Any feedback at all greatly apprecaited.
your exemptions are based on the type of disability you have. a friend of mine is paralyzed shoulder down, he gets a note taker.
BUT, your best defense is to make sure the university knows about you. esstablishes a record. and YOU keep in contact with the professor.
"Help me help you"
in my case, im SUPER bad at written languages as its very abstact in many ways. some of my avaible resources are things like DragonSpeech and writting labs(tutors), i even have a "social coach"