GoonSquad wrote:
So, me and another student just spent the last two days doing the work of two lazy jackasses we were millstoned with for a class project….
It is going to be all I can do not to strangle these jerks when I see them on Friday for the final/presentation.
I’m thinking of sending them angry emails in hopes of scaring them into skipping class (that way they wouldn’t get credit).
Anyway, I’m wondering, do people ever do their fair share in group projects? Or do people like me ALWAYS get stuck doing everything?

This always seemed to happen to me! However I soon found out that if people aren't pulling their weight you simply say so and they won't get the marks. And if your school/teacher refuses to grade them differently because they didn't contribute then you and anyone helping you leave the group and finish it yourself.
Theirs no real thing stopping you from handing in a group project by yourself/with a couple others. What will they say? "Oh my you did more work then you were supposed to, unacceptable!"
I admit it sucks having to hand in a project with less people then designed but it's better to do that then work with somebody expecting you to do it all. What's the point in education if you don't actually get educated?
Play sims - Get bored - Kill sims - Understand God.