Any aspies studying at UNSW?
yeah i do. i didnt really expect for there to be any other people who go/ will be going there here. im doing landscape architecture so im in the faculty of the built environment and i hate it. the red centre is evil so if you are an FBE student i am truly sorry. the only good thing about that place is the fact that the toilets are semi-clean and there are computers(which are usually in use but whatever). apart from that my feelings towards unsw are mixed. the library is good- there is a book there on anything and besides being useful for uni work its good for indulging special interests. there arent many librarians to help though. there are computers with reasonable waiting time and quick internet and access to online journals. social life at uni is lively. there are all sorts of events throughout the year- octoberfest, international night markets, monthly flee markets, book fair and other stuff. as for clubs and collectives there are clubs to suit almost any interest(i liked anime soc. we watched tv and there was little interaction) and collectives are, well theyre there. dunno if you'd like them. i went to queer collective and it was very insular though the people were nice. theres also a disability, enviro, womens and ethnic affairs collective. i dont know what disability services are like though there are councilling services. besides the library my favourite thing about the uni is its racial/ ethnic diversity. there are a lot of international students. the crowd at uni is mostly apolitical and the folks in charge of the src now are centre left- they had to be pressured into supporting things like refugee and same sex marriage rights by one of the groups(left focus) who got a couple of members elected into the src. i dont know how many people are part of the student union (i'd encourage you to join up). uni also puts out a recipe book and short works of fiction by students each year and each month there is a paper that students can contribute to. one of the bad things is that if you are in the arts then when course cuts happen those are the courses that will go first and that is what is happening at unsw now which is a pity because those are the most interesting, stimulating and challenging subjects around. the teachers for the most part are nice people. you get some with a sense of humour, those who will understand what its like being a student and those who will listen or are just plain weird and you get those who arnt. i dont know what the student body is like. and there are a few good places to chill that are isolated if you know where to look.
sigh. that was long. i tried to cover everything. hope i havent bored you. good luck with your course next year. hope you enjoy it.