addison wrote:
AtticusKane wrote:
Of course you have to realize, as far as the human species goes, the concept that a 14 year old shouldn't be boning or drinking or smoking has only been around like one or two hundred years..... If anything that's the age you're SUPPOSED to be experiencing these things.
Biologically and instinctually, of course. Neither of which have any place in moral theory.....
lol what? 14 year olds are supposed to be drinking and smoking and having sex?
anyways i blame peer pressure
The concept of peer pressure is flawed. How much do YOU have to pressured into doing something that you can tell from the start is pleasurable, and that your body is ready for? Forcing someone much younger than you into it is a different story, of course, but the idea that sex or alcohol or whatever else is "morally corrupt" and young people that participate willingly in something obviously fun are morally corrupt, well.... that's crazy talk.
Example: The boyfriend that says "you'll blow me if you really love me" is an evil scumsucker. The girl that tells her girlfriend about how awesome sex is and "you should totally do that" (peer pressure) is just a friend. Recommending enjoyable things is what friends do. Of course there's a whole culture built around
selling sex and alcohol, and beyond that the very disconnected nature of our society tends to warp human interaction. This is when stupidity, or exploitation, or getting in over your head become realities. But "hey man take a hit of this, it's great and you'll feel awesome" is not peer pressure, nor is it morally corrupt.