The problems you have with your room mate are arch-typical sorts of room mate problems;
she opens blinds, I want them closed
I don't like the music she plays too late at night
She's snarky to me
She says I'm a slob.
I'm afraid they're the sorts of problems that the school administration considers to be so common as to be inconsequential. And since living at boarding school is a choice (optional) they may ignore your request indefinitely; one's inconsiderate and the other one's intolerant; they're both teenage girls; let them sort it out. It'll be a good opportunity for them to learn to co-operate and/or cope.
i told her about my diagnosis, and she labors under the delusion I will "grow out" of AS(her words).
Who's words, your room mate or the dean's? If they are the dean's words; it's telling; they may not be geared for/or interested in handling neurological differences within the student body.
Have you asked the students who were switched how they got a fast swap?
Have you brainstormed on problem solving or coping tactics within your current arrangement?