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21 Jan 2012, 11:31 pm

I go to boarding school, and I have the most awful roommate. She plays music I hate while I'm trying to sleep, insists the blinds be open even when the room is empty, wakes me up by opening the blinds, talks to herself like shes trying to be funny and gossips about how I'm a nerdslobslutworstroommateever. i have tried to get switched, but the dean hassn't although I've been trying since October, but some people switched with less than a week's notice. i told her about my diagnosis, and she labors under the delusion I will "grow out" of AS(her words).
How do I deal or expediently get switched?


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22 Jan 2012, 1:03 am

The problems you have with your room mate are arch-typical sorts of room mate problems;
she opens blinds, I want them closed
I don't like the music she plays too late at night
She's snarky to me
She says I'm a slob.

I'm afraid they're the sorts of problems that the school administration considers to be so common as to be inconsequential. And since living at boarding school is a choice (optional) they may ignore your request indefinitely; one's inconsiderate and the other one's intolerant; they're both teenage girls; let them sort it out. It'll be a good opportunity for them to learn to co-operate and/or cope.

i told her about my diagnosis, and she labors under the delusion I will "grow out" of AS(her words).

Who's words, your room mate or the dean's? If they are the dean's words; it's telling; they may not be geared for/or interested in handling neurological differences within the student body.

Have you asked the students who were switched how they got a fast swap?

Have you brainstormed on problem solving or coping tactics within your current arrangement?


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22 Jan 2012, 9:41 am

My roommate's words.
I did ask them how they got switched. They were boys and it involved physica violence before trying to switch 8O


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22 Jan 2012, 1:39 pm

My roommate's words.

Good. Better that it's your roommate who doesn't get AS than the dean. Is there a psych councilor at the school? A professional who you can go to for talk therapy? I don't mean to blame you for the roommate angst or that you're crazy. Just that a trained councilor may be in a position to recommend a change if she feels it would be beneficial due to your aspergers. And/or help you with coping strategies and your negotiations with your roommate.

They were boys and it involved physica violence before trying to switch Shocked

Ok; yikes. That makes sense.