XLCR wrote:
It so happens that I am a college librarian. Too bad you aren't going to school here, you would like my library. The students here don't seem to like the library. I'm told it's a little busier in the mornings, but I do the afternoon/evening shift and at any given time there is maybe two or three people studying at a table and maybe the same number on the computers. After five it's often completely empty. It's usually quiet as a church mouse in there.
Hardly anyone checks out books anymore, they just google online to do research. All of the books gather dust, I check out maybe three or four of them a week. It's a great job for me, it has a very low stress level. I'm supposed to be helping and tutoring them, but they almost never ask for help, even when you can tell they are having a hard time of it. I don't know why. So I mostly just sit there, maybe doing a little cataloging or light computer work just to look busy.
XLCR, I used to work at the public library in College Station, but I did research in Texas A&M's library. It was always full of students, but that was thirteen years ago. Have things changed that much?