demeus wrote:
STEM = Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
I have to agree with you. Had I any sense back in the 90s, I would have gone to school to be an electrician rather than computer science. In fact, post grad work is so expensive that I have not seen any value in it (there are people that tell me that there is value in a MS in CS, but I think that is only for large corporations). I would like to take a few courses to keep current however.
The only nice thing about my education was that I went to a school that required paid internships for a year before you graduated. That at least allowed me to get some work experience under my belt before I got the degree.
I worked as an electrician/automation tech for 20 years. The jobs were plentiful and the money was great. BUT, the jobs were physically punishing too. Everything you do is overhead or near the floor, so you end up wrecking your shoulders and knees.
If you want to make REAL money, you need to do industrial maintenance. That work is usually hot, dangerous and extremely stressful.
These days you can still find work if you're very good, but they will work you like a slave because, thanks to skyrocketing cost of benefits, it's cheaper to work you 7 days a week than to hire an adequate number of techs...
That's why I'm back in school.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus
Last edited by GoonSquad on 15 Dec 2011, 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.