There's this one girl at my high school who has a habit of stalking when she likes someone, and then hurting or threatening to hurt them if they tell her they aren't interested. She stalked my ex,she stalked me, she stalked one of my friends named Jonah, and now she's stalking another one of my friends named Alex. Alex politely ignored her: he stopped sitting at that lunch table, he'd make excuses not to be around her, and he'd try his hardest not to talk to her. She was really creeping him out so he asked one of my female friends to tell the girl he's starting to get creeped out. She had a HUGE screaming fit, went over to Alex and grabbed him by his hair and pulled his head back and hit him, while cussing him out. Then she ran away crying from the lunch table. One of my friends said she's expelled because they saw her getting her things from her locker. She's gotten in trouble for this MANY times and even has a restraining order from someone! There's so many things wrong with the girl that it would take too long to type them all out. I'm scared of what she'd do to Alex now that she's expelled.
Empathy Quotient Test Score: 63
Hmmm...interesting. Shows what you know about Aspies, doesn't it rofl?
"One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small but the pills that mother gives you don't do anything at all"