Bulling at school-What do you propose?

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06 Mar 2012, 12:36 pm

I am intrested to hear your ideas on this subject.

So lets say you own a school, or have the power to change and enforce rules and everything in that school, what would you do to solve the problems with bulling?


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06 Mar 2012, 12:39 pm

Well to start I would not try to single out students who are different for the purpose of ridicule like teachers seemed to enjoy doing to me.

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06 Mar 2012, 1:18 pm

Although this may seem cruel, I would address the bullies in assemblies in front of everyone so they know that bullying is generally frowned upon and isn't "cool".
I would also sit the bully and the person who's getting bullied in a room and get them talk about their feelings. So they have a better understanding of the other's feeling as a consequence of their actions.
I would also sack any member of staff that doesn't act immediately on issues to do with bullying.


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06 Mar 2012, 2:00 pm

Stop blaming the victim.

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06 Mar 2012, 2:52 pm

Cameras all around the school :) That way there is proof that one can't deny.

It's hard to come up with solutions that would make a noticeable difference. A lot of the options, in my mind, would require more money and time. Some schools aren't willing to put more money into those things when their own employees aren't getting paid enough for the amount of work they do.



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06 Mar 2012, 4:01 pm

I would segregate the bullies into classes run by former Marines--not joking. These guys are tough and won't stand any nonsense from jerks. By separating the bullies from the main student body, you protect those who are weaker, or just different from them. You also reduce the amount of trouble caused by regular kids who might other wise join in with some of the bullying. The separation also needs to be during lunch, gym classes, study hall, library time, music, etc. The bullies must be kept apart from the other students during all activities to prevent them from doing it. Unfortunately, that won't happen because the parents of these "cream puffs" would have a fit, and sic a lawyer on the school. That leaves suspending or expelling the worst offenders, and for the rest of the time, the weak and different kids have to take their chances or themselves be segregated into special needs classes. Some do need special classes for learning and behavior help, but the bullies still get access to them. The schools don't do enough to protect kids from bullies.

If I had kids I would home school them, instead of throwing them into the school meat grinder.

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06 Mar 2012, 6:28 pm

I would have cameras set up everywhere that could record video with sound. I would create a section in the front office where students could easily report other students and teachers by filling out a form and dropping it in a box. The time and location would be given on the form so that the video taken by the cameras during that time and in that place could be reviewed to make sure that the incident actually happened. The bully would then be forced to pay a sum of money to both the person they bullied and the first person who reported them. The bully would also be suspended and in severe situations they would be expelled. Using this system, all of the students would be motivated to report incidents of bullying because if they were the first person to report the bully, they'd profit, and nothing would go unseen.


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06 Mar 2012, 6:39 pm

Does anyone think that if we leave teachers or other people of authority in charge, they will abuse their power? For example, if student a bullies student b, and student a is the teacher's neice, how would we know if she would take appropriate measures? For all we know she could cover it up and say student b bullied student a.



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07 Mar 2012, 9:36 pm

Mike1 wrote:
I would have cameras set up everywhere that could record video with sound.

I would have cameras with microphones in every angle of the classrooms so NOTHING was unseen or heard. Some may say this isn't right and is an invasion of privacy, but I guess getting bullied is better and since when was a child entitled to privacy? Espicaly in a school setting? Invasion of privacy is putting a camera in someone's home. Anyway, we have cameras up in stores and offices not just to detect crime, but also to detur it. If there were cameras and microphones all over the place, students and teachers would be less inclined to bully.

Also make it so the teachers couldn't turn them off. We had cameras on our school buses, my driver was a well known adult bully and EVERYONE hated him and had been trying to get him fired for years. He would turn the camera off so he couldn't get in trouble if he picked on someone. If I had my way, the cameras could only be turned on and off by the pricipal or someone else other than the teacher. If a teacher tried to turn it off, s/he would be fired.

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