. High school wise i enjoyed sort of, had a few classes that really changed my life in both regards. socializing. has changed i talk to alot more people than i ever did in high school but i still go home alone every night, watching movies, listening to music and reading. Pretty much one friend and my family, to the determent of my mental well being, are the only engagements i have people wise. t AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. the students I've shared classes with are no more mature than high school dingbat idiots i saw before i arrived, with off course the few exceptions i have encountered, a pity they are the exception rather than the general rule. In both settings, the lack of socializing has caused me to miss out alot, college though has helped improve me social skills because my world no longer consisted of the street between my parents house and the school. At college, going to different building across the city has done something, but i went to a local community college in the beginning so lived at home, virtually no social life, i don't know how for the life of me i didn't go insane, I took very few a giant auditorium GE course so i have meet fewer people. There are some buildings on campus I have never been in and never will because of that, which to me is interesting. There are perhaps 2-maybe 3 building on campus i have never been in and never will see inside. I never studied at the library or lived at the dorm so that pretty much made sure I would have no social life. I realized, my last semester as a senior, that alot of students study at the library so i guess that is how most of them develop their social lives either studying there or living in the dorms even for just a little while.
Right now I really hate college because im still dealing with people who don't do the work or put much effort and are not very intelligent to begin with. Classic typical scene in class is a dead awkward waiting for the crickets to come home and rigor mortis to take over and one thinks to himself: "really I have to sit through this lest i get a B+ instead of a A? consequently the lectures don't get very far and therefore all one has to do to get an A is read the book. So in my eyes both have been about the same, feeling intellectually fulfilled only a few times and very briefly.