As someone who has used a laptop in class for notes, assignments, etc; There are a few drawbacks. First off, if you own a laptop, you could bring it in, but you risk everything from theft to damage. I've give this route, and used LoJack to prevent theft, as well as a protection plan including accidental damage. The other issue with this is distractions. Games, movies, music and so on can be tempting to watch in class. It starts with doing it when you are done with work, then you start doing it while you work. Eventually you find yourself caught and your priviledges revoked. The other route is getting one from the school. Issues stemming from budgetary reasons would probably leave you with an antiquated device, incapable of doing the most basic tasks. Talk to whomever takes care of your IEP and find out your options. Worst case, you get an AlphaSmart.