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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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Joined: 18 May 2012
Gender: Female
Posts: 197
Location: Farmington, MN

19 May 2015, 11:26 am

If you could participate in a Q&A session with autistic college students, what would you ask?

I am in the process of creating a short survey to get tips, ideas and input from autistic college students to help autistic high school students and their families get prepared. I will consolidate the information into a series of articles to be published in July on my website

Currently I have 6 questions:
1. On my first day of college I wish I had known….
2. What is 1 thing that surprised you about college?
3. Name 1 thing you like about the school you chose.
4. Give 1 tip on getting involved with other students outside of class.
5. Give 1 tip for studying effectively for tests.
6. What else would you share about your experience at college?

Do you have any additional questions you think should be included?

Thanks for your help.

Dawn Marcotte
Freelance Writer