So, I just finished an extremely hellish school term.
I've been having a lot of health problems that caused me chronic pain and disrupted my sleep. This, as you might imagine, took a toll on my ability to think and do good work.
I was really struggling with one class in particular. It was an advanced history class and the work was mostly reading primary sources and writing critical papers....
Anyway, before I got sick, I was doing really well, but things started getting bad just before the mid-term and A's started turning into B's.....
I really struggled with the last major paper. By the time I got a handle on it, I was out of time. What I turned in was really a rough draft rather than a finished paper and the professor told me as much in his comments on the last page. He said I had an interesting and novel take on the sources, but that I did not fully develop or defend my thesis.... So, I got a B there too.
I did not feel too bad about the final, but I figured it was probably a low A to a B at best.
So, I checked my grades this morning fully expecting to see my first B ever, but I found an A instead.
I'm not sure how to feel about this....
I know from talking to a few classmates that I was still doing better than they were on papers and tests, but by my reckoning I did not have enough points for an A.
I dunno, maybe he curved the final grade, but it just does not feel right... it seems arbitrary and unearned.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus