Thanks for your feedbacks. I went to a "Transition to High school" info session tonight. I think I have a better understanding. Basically, I've been given contradictory information from various people from the board:
1) My son's designation brings forth funding. He should not get less support then what he is already getting (which is about 50+%)
2) In HS, there are only 2 support workers supporting 120 special needs kids
3) My son's funding is given to the school. They will determine who gets it and it usually goes to the behaviour kids (typically undesignated)
4) I have to FIGHT in order to get him the support he needs, despite his ASD designation.
5) Support is based on need. It's up to the school to determine if my son's need is more important than the need of a behaviour child.
Ok, I'm using layman's terms.
I have worked so hard to get my son a proper diagnoses (gr5, second time around) and the school board has the right to allow individual school members to decide that your son isn't going to get the funding he brings into the school. How is that ok?
If my son generates $ through his designation/diagnoses, he should get that support. If he's a nice & quiet kid, then he is deemed to be "fine" and loses part of that funding.
Really, it's more about cutbacks here. The school has X amount of dollars allocating X amount of support staff, and I am told he may not even get 25%?