Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Well, of course it requires something to qualify it, there are plenty of observed aspects that contradict this understanding. I'd say that it really depends on the individual, however, I'd argue that the major tendency will be more of a positive correlation between learning and GPA with a few outliers of course as I consider caring about the class to be a major factor which will cause students who care more to try to learn more and try to appease the professor better and those with a lesser concern will do less, although, of course it really depends on all that qualifies as learning as the party animal who makes a C average could learn a lot about social skills. I will admit that I have never taken a lower division history course though, and my major class with busy work really didn't teach anyone anything and because of that the grade has no relationship to learning for that class. It is most certainly a multivariate problem as you suggest, depending on time available, time management, ability to learn, ability to do busywork, sloppiness, concern for the material, concern for the grade, etc.
After many miserable school failures, I have concluded that my troubles result from my lack of respect for the education system because I don't care about the grade. It is the last thing I worry about in a class. It drives my professors absolutely crazy, but I have been lucky to get some good ones, and they kind of "tweak" requirements to fit my autodidactic learning style. (I wouldn't go so far so to say they were giving me special favors, but after I hand in one or two of their "BS" assignments, I calmly explain to them that I would rather focus my attention on subject X and could I use that as some of the assignments instead of dropping the more complex subject X in favor of subject Y, especially since subject X has its foundations in subject Y? Usually, the professor agrees, and then also agrees to kind of mentor me and direct my reading.)
Of course, I sometimes am guilty of using the "inverse GPA/learning" argument when I am trying to rationalize my behavior. It is a scapegoat, I guess.
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.