Worries I'll be an Impostor at School

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27 Mar 2013, 1:32 pm

I have applied to graduate school for a profession I want to be in, and have gotten into every single school I applied to. My number one choice at the moment is a technical school in the United States. I like their faculty and academics, and feel they would provide me with excellent networking opportunities. I will visit each school next week to reassess.

Prior to a year ago, I have never heard of this technical school until a year ago. While this is a technical program, I come from a non-technical background (majored in a poli sci/econ hybrid major). I knew it was well regarded in what I wanted to do. Little did I know that for a few closely allied professions, it is considered to be one of the best schools in the world. It's not quite CalTech or MIT, but my understanding is that it's just a notch or two below them. While I know they have an excellent faculty in my chosen department, they probably attract the brightest students in their field.

I am not sure how I feel being among such talent. It's a little intimidating. I would feel like an impostor, and if I matriculate, I may very well struggle against my peers. My peers will have very diverse academic and professional backgrounds, so I can definitely carve a clear niche. Even so, I worry I may struggle, and it may damage my education and future professional life.

Assuming I like the program based on other merits, should I enroll, even if I feel I'll be isolated and at the bottom of the heap? I won't feel totally isolated because I have family who live nearby, and the area has many activities I enjoy. But still, I am wondering if making myself miserable on this accord will defeat my efforts to learn.