Usually in Bachelor 1st and 2nd years you take a wide range of electives, not only for a balanced education, but because you never know if you might find something else, a brand new subject, which you might end up becoming more interested in.. Perhaps you are not as interested in the entire Criminology field as you previously thought.. If there are other subjects, which might possibly interest you, try exploring those.. Or you might even get a pleasant surprise about a subject you never thought about previously.. The undergraduate level is a chance to get a broad education, taste various new subjects, try new ideas, and get a good general foundational education.. The Bachelor Degree is not a professional degree, in the sense of Law or Medicine, but a general education one.. By the 3rd and 4th year, you can focus a bit more in some areas of your Bachelor Degree, but it is not to the same intensity as a Graduate Degree. If you want to be more focussed intensely, you should continue on to take a Master and then PHD course.