Is anyone going to visit their old high school?

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Are you going to visit your former high school?
Yes, to let my teachers know what I have been successfully doing since I've graduated. 22%  22%  [ 8 ]
No, I have other important matters to attend to. 54%  54%  [ 20 ]
I may go there, I haven't made my mind up about it. 24%  24%  [ 9 ]
Total votes : 37


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04 Apr 2013, 1:43 am

Hello fellow Wrong Planet members, I have created a limitless poll centering on visiting a former high school for anyone who recently granduated and left for college/university or moved on. I recently thought about this since I made a brief return to my younger sister's graduation at the same area where I have graduated and received my diploma, and want to greet my former teachers and authority figures, old and new alike. Sadly, the expected bitter-sweet and short reunion didn't happen. I'm planning to visit there to greet them again and let them know what I have been up to since graduating high school back in 2010, and yes it'll be good news.

Now I am asking you fellas about visiting your former high school. Are you going to visit? What are your expectations when returning? What are your former teachers are going to think when you step your foot in their classroom?

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04 Apr 2013, 1:49 am

Let's start this poll off by adding my vote in this post.

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04 Apr 2013, 2:54 am

I've been back to my old school on occasion. The school has everything from pre-Kindergarden through 12th grade in three buildings. There is an activity building that is used for a number of things such as stock shows and other events. There are also high school football and basketball games. The school auditorium is another building and I've been to junior high and high school graduations at it as well as a funeral.


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04 Apr 2013, 6:57 am

The only way I'd go back to my HS is with a gun pointed at my neck.


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04 Apr 2013, 7:01 am

I return to my old HS from time to time. I graduated nearly 9 years ago, most of my teachers have retired, and my favorite teacher passed away from breast cancer. Her funeral was down the street from where I got married, the day before my marriage, and I had been trying to contact her to invite her. We both had an interest in mythology and she would lend me books, she also encouraged me to continue doing origami and I would bring her my newest pieces. I've also returned to school to teach origami for prom uses twice, and a few FFA alumini events, but the FFA advisor retired this past year.

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04 Apr 2013, 7:07 am

redrobin62 wrote:
The only way I'd go back to my HS is with a gun pointed at my neck.

No one at your old high school will point a firearm at your neck, just think the positives when you return and visit there one day. :D

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04 Apr 2013, 2:53 pm

When I drive by it I give it the finger.


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04 Apr 2013, 3:05 pm

redrobin62 wrote:
The only way I'd go back to my HS is with a gun pointed at my neck.

I would take the bullet and avoid going completely.

I once asked our class secretary to let me see some pictures she'd taken of our 20-year class reunion, and she thoroughly b*****d me out for not participating, helping out, or otherwise contributing to the effort.

"Gee, lady ... I was stationed overseas at the time ... ever hear of a place called Iraq?"

I hope she snorts a wasp through her cannula.


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04 Apr 2013, 6:35 pm

I'm still in high school, but in theory, would I attend any sort of reunion or visit? Hell, no!

Every day so stressful, every last person is just so bloody frustrating ... No. I'm staying to pass my exams, and that's it. My school days are of no sentimental value to me at all. At least I only have three more years. I'll be glad to get the hell out of there.

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04 Apr 2013, 9:54 pm

My high school was filled with bullies and fake friends. It holds too many bad memories for me to even CONSIDER going back.


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06 Apr 2013, 10:12 pm

I haven't been on my high school campus since my last visit nearly two years ago. Security there had gotten practically Nazi-like. It was difficult enough to schedule a time to go up there! Some of the security officers were as*holes and one of the APs kept pestering me about notifying the next classroom I wanted to visit even though I declined. I left early because I was honestly afraid somebody was going to call security or even the police on me.

I'm not sure if I want to go back up there soon. There are a few former teachers and counselors I'd like to visit. Since I'm actually doing well with my life and am not already raising kids or married (like so many of my former classmates currently are, even though we graduated almost three years ago), I can conceive of having interesting conversations with them.

What fresh hell is this?


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14 Apr 2013, 12:37 pm

I'm graduating in two months, and you can bet anything that I will never return to it. That place was an absolute hellhole. I was bullied throughout most of it, every damn teacher knew about it, and no one did a damn thing, no one was on my side. It doesn't deserve my presence any longer than is required.


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14 Apr 2013, 12:52 pm



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16 Apr 2013, 4:31 pm

The Catholic school I went to is very close by to where I currently live. I constantly see girls (it's still an all girls school) dressed in their uniforms. The uniform changed a lot through the years, since I went there about 20 years ago. I want to know who's there and who isn't from the teachers. If they still have nuns (I had a few but they were all ancient, except one). And things like that. I know one of the good teachers went on to public school (more money), because she was in the newspaper tooting her new school. I also want to check out how it looks building wise, because they were supposed to do some construction work right after my graduation.

I'm terrified to go to my elementary school, because of torment and abuse by both the kids and teachers when I went there. One of my old teachers goes to the same mass me and my mom do, and sometimes I feel like yelling at her about never really helping me since I was always labeled "special needs".

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16 Apr 2013, 5:11 pm

I happened to pass by my Junior School during the holidays so I went down to see what had changed and it brought back lots of memories. Obviously no one around as it was the holidays!

I think I'd only go back to my senior school if they did a reunion of my year to be honest.

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17 Apr 2013, 11:59 am

My college, maybe, but my old high school? Hell no! I hated that place.