I used to write in the books myself. I was supposed to use something called a "Sullivan Series" which was essentaly just filling in missing letters. I drew little speach bubbles besides the characters and my best friend at the time did as well (because I taught her) things like, "I'm so stupid". One picture was of a girl looking in a mirror and one of us wrote, "I'm so ugly, I broke my mirror". Another one the girl had dirt all over her dress and my friend wrote, "I pooped my pants!" We were bad. I can't remember either one of us writing anything with sexual refrences but then we were only in grade four. The worst we knew were reffrences to urinating and deficating. I doubt today's kids are such angels. I think the teacher knew but she was afraid of me because I could be agressive and violent and she picked her battles. Unfortunalty me and my best friend wrote all that stuff in pencil and the teacher probably whipped out the eraser before anyone else could read our grafitti.
In one of my brother's elementry school readers there were all sorts of digusting drawings on "boy parts" on people. There was a picture of a two rabbits and a speach bubble over one that said something like, "I'm over here, big boy." My brother didn't seem the type to write that kind of thing...espicaly in elementry school and said a bully had gotten a hold of his reader and did that. In a secound hand health science book someone had basicaly done the same thing. There was a diagram of an arm holding a knife and something about how skin heals and someone had drawn an epic face. If I wrote in my homeschool books, my mom would have tanned my hide and she sold them on ebay when I was done with them and writing in them would have decreased their worth.
I'm not weird, you're just too normal.