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10 Mar 2014, 11:25 pm

I'll be going to university this fall, and I've signed a contract for a dorm and everything. It's one of the older, more modest dorms on campus, so it isn't exactly students' first choice for a residence hall. Also, there are three dorms to a suite, but I'm actually excited about it because I think it'll be a good opportunity for me to make new, potentially life-long friends (*knocks on wood*).

Has anybody here lived in a university dorm, or would like to?

What fresh hell is this?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Mar 2014, 10:04 pm

I have lived in a college dorm for the past 3 years. The first two years I had roommates. One who I really got along with as I knew her in college and two where it really wasn't a compatible match--she was too messy and very emotional. This year, and hopefully next year, I have a single which worked way better for me.

Also, don't be surprised if you don't become lifelong friends with your roommates. You may find your best college friends in different clubs or through a sharing of common interest.

I would recommend reaching out to roommates, even if it is just a short email that states your interest and what appliances you intend on bringing (like a TV or microwave). It may be good to make a roommate agreement with your roommates (or suitemates) soon after the semester starts. This agreement could state the boundaries of bringing a guest over, overnight guest, cleanliness, whether your roommate can play music at 3:00 AM, or whether they can eat your food.

I personally like a single dorm room as it is more control and it allows me to get away from social interaction, it provides a nice retreat.


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18 Mar 2014, 11:07 pm

I'm currently living in the residence halls at my university, but I am planning on living off campus in the fall. At my university, all of the residence halls are suite style (except for the university owned apartment complex, for people who are at least 22 years old AND junior standing or in grad school). Some of the suites have full kitchens. Most of the rooms are doubles, though there are a good amount of singles available, and some triples, though I do not recommend triples. During my first semester (Spring 2013), I had a single in the older residence halls on the 26th floor. It was nice and quiet. This year (2013-2014), I have a double in the newer housing. I had a roommate during the first half of fall semester, but she moved into a different suite because she had personal issues with one of our suitemates. I haven't been reassigned a new roommate, though. I'm actually paying less per semester to live in my current suite than what I did living in my single. My double is $100 less per semester than my single was. And since I have a kitchen in my suite this year, I bought a smaller meal plan (At my university, it's all flexible spending, and you can refill your account if needed).


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Mar 2014, 12:24 pm

Lived in a dorm my first year of college. Kind of the same situation as you, older dorm that wasn't exactly the first pick for most students. My first roommate was a party animal who was actually arrested for drug dealing. Luckily enough for me the guy that moved in to replace him was a pretty good dude.


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07 Apr 2014, 10:06 pm

I come back after nearly a month-long absence and read these replies for the first time... :roll:

Thanks, y'all! It's interesting, the possibility that my roommate might change during the semester. I won't find out who my roommate is until August. I'm already worrying about compatibility. Also, imagine being in a living situation where six people will be sharing a bathroom. 8O

What fresh hell is this?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Apr 2014, 11:04 am

I've lived in dorms and apartments throughout my whole time while I was in college. Yes, most of the time I was the quiet and studious guy in the dorm so I actually had to move out of my old roommate's rooms since it was not conducive to study and sleep in my first year. I was mostly buried in studies and when roommates got their buddies from other units in the suite to come over and party it up, I got annoyed and eventually I made a move to move out of my dorm and into a different room (which was quieter). I had to do the same another 3 times throughout my college career. :o In my 2nd and 3rd years, I had a room to myself, it was pretty lonely (which hampered me in trying to make good friends while in college) but I was able to get productive study and good night's sleep more oftenly.