sephardic-male wrote:
thewhitrbbit wrote:
My best friend had very little support from her parents financially in college. She at times worked 2 jobs. She is now very successful.
I worked 30-35 hours a week as a student to support myself. It paid my rent, and my food and a few pennies left over for booze. I smartly lived in a very, very affordable sublet.
Now we were both smart and went to an affordable university and had some idea of what we wanted to do. That's a big part of the problem, I see a lot of people not graduating in 4 years because they go to college with no clue what they want to do.
if you work 35 hours a week while attending full-time how do you find the time to study and do assignments. in order to keep up you should spend 2-3 hours studying for every hour of class. this means if one do 15-20 hours of class a week one should expected to do 30-40+ hours of studying outside of class.
It's a challenge, but I really found that whole metric to be a bit of the old bs. Some classes you can pass just by going to lecture, and do well in to not just pass. The important part is to make sure you spread out of the classes you can do well in just by going to lecture so you don't get a full semester where you have to study your ass off.
Also, I worked nights in the student help center. We were allowed to do homework at work as long as it didn't impact customer service. Lots of on campus jobs allow this, but even if I didn't have time to study I usually worked 6-11:30 so I'd study at lunch, at dinner, things like that.
It's really about learning where you need to focus your studying efforts and where your really just wasting time studying because you already know it.
Other things you can do, use the Add/Drop to your advantage. If you get a teacher who thinks their 101 class is actually a 400 level advanced quantum thermodymanics class, I actually think I had one teacher I walked out of the class halfway through it because it was a 100 level class and the amount of work was a 400 level.
My friend didn't work on campus her last 2 years, and had a 40 minute commute.