It is very possible to start med school at 30 or even older. When I was in med school almost half of my class were "non-traditional" meaning they had not just graduated college and were not in their early to mid 20s. One of my friends was 35 his first year of medical school. I also had many classmates who came from educational backgrounds that were not "pre-med" or even in the sciences, one was a music major. Do not let your background or age be the deciding factor on whether or not you should consider medicine as a career.
I have two warnings for you. One, the required pace of learning is beyond what you can imagine as well as the time spent studying, any masters or PhD program is much easier than medical school if you look at how much material you must learn and how quickly you must learn it. You will also have classes that are required that have very little to do with learning medicine that will also take up much of your time. Medical school also does not have or easily offer many accommodations for learning differences that would be available to you at other programs (I do not know if you would need them).
Two, liking medicine and diseases and wanting to help people is very different than working as a doctor. Working with patients requires you to act compassionate always, to always smile, to be ultra empathetic, highly social, very careful of not being rude and blunt etc and this can be extraordinarily difficult for someone with AS. this is the reason I left medical school. I was much happier in a research position in epidemiology as I felt I was helping people and I was working with medicine and diseases.
Please do not take my warnings to mean you ought not go to medical school. Just examine if it will work for you. I did not know I had AS when I went to med school, and it was through the problems I had coping with it that I was diagnosed. If you feel that pursuing medicine is for you, do not let your age be a hindrance, go for it with gusto. Even if you did not need accommodations previously in school, ask the medical school what accommodations and support they offer, this will help you succeed. Shadow doctors in a variety of specialties (call them up say you are wanting to go to medical school and ask if you can shadow them, most will say yes, besides you need to do this for most medical schools to consider you as an applicant). Do not get caught up in the medicine they practice (like I did, saying "Oh, this is so cool"), but pay attention to how the doctor interacts with the patient and ask yourself if you can see yourself doing that.
Good luck no matter what you do.
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