Sempiternal wrote:
That's what teachers keep telling me, but most of the time, friends in college tend to be able to do more leisurely activities and sleep more than I do.
That's probably because they're putting off some of their assignments. The main difference between high school and college in terms of work is that in high school, much of your schedule is already set up for you; in college, you can set your own schedules. But deadlines are still deadlines, and if you don't get started on an assignment soon enough, you'll find yourself pulling some rather unpleasant all-nighters for several days in a row.
Still, regardless of the freedom you'll have with scheduling your work, I can tell you that the
amount of work you'll do in college will easily exceed what you did in high school.
Sempiternal wrote:
I'm nervous about the roommate thing though, but most of all I'm nervous about what college I'd be able to get into. I want to stay a bit close to home--at least in California. How often do they do the roommate match thing though?
I have no idea, unfortunately. The first college I went to was a pretty small one (just a two-year), so I'm sure that made it much easier for the manager to deal with such things. On a larger campus it's much less likely.
Still, if you're passionate about the field of study you want to pursue, I think you'll enjoy college for the most part. Then after that comes the hardest part: Real life.
I need to be crazy. It's the only way I know how to stay sane.