Defeinitely things I'd want to change, but overall it was good. Don't know if I'd label it the best, but great classes and great small circle of friends, making the state tournament in Speech, yeah. In fact, I might actually be willing if I couldn't do anything over, that's how good it was.
But, since others have mentioned changes, I'd ask more questions about a friend I mentored on the team who was... let's say troubled, stuff I couldn't pick up were signs of it becasue of my Asperger's. By telling others in our circle bout this, and by not just thinking, "Oh, he fits right in because Mitch left Junior year as an exchange student so he fit in and then Mitch came back and now we're all 6-7 of us friends," it'd be like, "I know this person isn't just a copy of all my other friends, he needs help and encoruagement."
Thankfully, as it was we helped despite not knowing what we were doing, but just letting him know we were there for him and understood would have made things easier for him. And, it might have helped another friend, too, if I'd been more encouraging. Though I'd probably go overboard on that with both.