Well yet another new semester started....
Hey Gang,
I just wanted to share this on going experience with you all today marks the start of spring (2) being that my college splits the spring semester up into two halves so it's not as long and today I got yet another new math instructor and yet another "new" way to learn how to do math. However, I will say the instructor was more enthusiastic then the previous one I was able to pull her aside at the end of the class to inform her that I'm Autistic and that I also have other learning disabilities when it comes to math and numbers to which she said OK tell me how do YOU do math what works for YOU which kinda threw me though a loop because nobody was ever willing to work on my level so I told her I'm more visual and it's got to be repetitive and to the point and from time to time picture cues helps when explaining a formula or how to do something I know that it's somewhat elementary in nature to which she cut me off and said if it works for YOU I will do my best to help you out.
I also informed her that I have an accommodation to use a calculator in class and that I am not using it to cheat in anyway it's kinda like Linus with the security blanket. I also told her that I mostly sit in the back of the room keep to my self (self seclude I guess) which she said that's fine. Soo hopefully this one will go smoother then the previous classes.
I've got the same writing teacher so that wasn't too much of a shock tho most of the students whom were there last semester graduated so I was the only one to return...or I think I was the only one to return and once again I spaced out during the class (writing for me isn't my strong suit) tho it appears that my writing teacher was a little bit more proactive in letting me use other methods such as a computer to write out something or draft up something. She also let me sit in my corner of the room rather then with the group of students so she took notice that I like to be by my self. So we'll see how it goes..
So just a lil' unsolicited info
"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel
Kraftiekortie, Thanks If I saw my self today as a kid/teen I'd kick my own ass and tell my self not to give up tho with youth they tend to fail to see how much may be at stake if they jerk off and cut school, as an adult I see exactly how much is at stake and how much will be lost if I were to quit so I'm marching on....to the beat of a different drummer.
Tho at times it feels that I get no traction cause I'm running on ice It's taking me twice as long
(man there's a Billy Joel Lyric for every emotion in life!)
"I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection." ~ Billy Joel