Does anybody have trouble with not understanding lessons when actually paying attention? My mum thinks it is mainly an issue of "overfocusing", but for me if I pay any attention at all while I am in class I don't understand what is being said, and I can't piece together the individual facts and put them together as a concept. However, if I am surfing the internet or doing something else entirely different while in lessons my brain seems to subconsciously interpret what is being said and sees the "bigger picture". (In high school I did best on my math tests when I took them as I was falling asleep, for example.) Same for answering questions in class, if I wasn't paying attention at all, when a teacher asked a question I would put my hand up before I even had time to consciously think about the question and the answer, and I would give the exact correct answer without even realizing I had known it, which always shocks me because I answer the question in terms I would never naturally put them in, and the answer is exactly what the teacher is looking for. But, as I said before, if I am not doing something else during class, it's like the lesson alone is too much for me to focus on and I don't understand. Anybody else know what I'm talking about?