Advice on How to Handle These Teachers

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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15 May 2015, 12:40 am

Alriht. I'm in high school. Really don't like it. Teachers for the most part are just a bunch of as*holes.

There is this room between classrooms. In fact several rooms are like it but I prefer this one specific room. They call it a common room. I have this deal with my teacher who is my 3rd and 4th period that instead of sitting in class I can go to a quiet place to work. Before that room I went to another classroom and that got too noisy so I went over to the common room.

Every time I've gone there I've gotten threatened (literally police and whatever else threats) to be thrown out by the teachers who "proctor" this room. And so I leave and just walk around the campus and listen to music. I've asked why and they refused to tell me so when I go to the principle about it he says he got a 3 paged email about how the teachers want to keep that room from being a hang out area (even though during brunch and lunch they let it be one, they also never lock the doors) and only want certain people in there.

I've tried various "one-ups", with them applying them back. So today the thought crossed my head of try and call attention to this situation as a last ditch effort to get them to leave me alone and do my work. Though there are reasons against this:

1) Graduation is less than 2 weeks away. Doing anything will more than likely not get anything for me in the time span that I need.
2) It seems somewhat overkill.
3) I'm not in the mood nor have the capability to go around and draw attention to something like this. Depression has kind of made me say what's the point to almost everything. I don't like talking to people.

Those teachers let TAs be in there and all those as*holes do is talk and mess around instead of work. I was doing actual work. I have two essays due. Instead of that I get teachers who'd rather I go outside and walk around. They're all aware that I'm an Aspie (though frankly most teachers when it comes up to talk about it think I'm just being stupid or whatever, that it's all some kind of act I "hide behind", those bastards) and I have a 504 in place that allows me certain things when I'm feeling overwhelmed(though frankly no one directly respects that either which I think can be a lawsuit but I'd rather not do that for reasons above).

I'd just like some advice, some kind of words possibly.

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

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20 May 2015, 11:40 am

I don't know what to say that's helpful. If you're graduating in two weeks, none of this really matters. I hope you're going to college. There the professors won't be anything like high school teachers. If you're just looking for feedback on your points, here you go:

-Yes, HS teachers tend to be jerks. Teenagers are difficult to deal with and the people who are willing to do that for a living, for low pay, aren't going to be geniuses with perfect tact. Some are, but most aren't.

-TAs tend to be people who can't get any other job, but want to feel important. They usually don't have much training. Of course they're just goofing around. But they're trying to protect their position and they don't want the people who pay them to know they're goofing around.

-Schools (and any other institution) are made to serve the majority. If you are smarter, stupider, or different in any way, you're going to be uncomfortable there.

-Most people are concerned with their own problems. They won't "get" autism any more than they'd get another issue that has nothing to do with them.

-It's best to try to make your points without compromising other people. Don't point out that people are lazy or jerks. Just say hey, I'm trying to be productive and I need a quiet place, can you please help me find that?

You'll be fine. You're almost done. Just hang in there.


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21 May 2015, 1:31 pm

SocOfAutism wrote:
Just say hey, I'm trying to be productive and I need a quiet place, can you please help me find that?
And if a school official is agreeable, perhaps ask him or her to put it in written form so you can politely and matter-of-factly show it to one of these other people, ahead of time if possible.

And please don't let these bunch of jackasses stand in your way of a solid finish to high school.