what were you're experiences in school?
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 7 Nov 2015
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Joined: 8 Jun 2013
Age: 63
Gender: Female
Posts: 4,501
Location: If not here, then where?
Primary school age 5 to 11:
Felt different from the other kids. Received mild bullying/teasing of a verbal and emotional nature rather than physical abuse. Had a few tenuous friendships that drifted in but out again. Spent most of the breaktimes alone. Suffered from selective mutism as my "shyness" increased. Academically was an "A student" and slightly ahead of the curve among my peers. Mildly "gifted" in certain artistic areas (not wildly so, just mildly but enough to have potential), but a disaster with mathematics.
Secondary school age 11 to 16:
Big shock to suddenly be in a much larger school with all these strangers from other primary schools of the region. The kids who were new to me immediately picked me out as "the oddball" and targeted me for emotional and verbal teasing and bullying and intimidation. Had a nightmarish first year, didn't want to attend school. Had always blagged "sick days" and now increased this badly. Started playing hookey to avoid the bullies. Still academically bright but gradually this suffered and I became an under-achiever. Found one best friend but this only lasted a year and faded away, leaving me lonely at school again.
To sum up, academically bright and above average. Socially a disaster, lonely, odd, bullied and couldn't figure out how to change that. Was given no help with the mutism or social crisis because it was the 60s and 70s and the adults just figured you needed to put-up-and-shut-up.
Horrible. Throughout my life I was bullied. High school was the worst with all of that. I lost all my high school friends when I was sixteen. They ostracized me only because my former friend stopped talking to me so they all followed her. I did not have very good grades either although I knew deep down inside I was smart.
Pretty damn bad. I wasn't truly despised in elementary school for the most part; indeed, I was even included in some things. For some reason, I was always good at being a soccer goalie, so I would always be picked for a team at recess. I felt like I belonged at times. It started getting bad in 6th grade—my one friend became my arch-nemesis, and people realized my pain sensitivities and started poking me at every opportunity.
Junior high was the worst two years of my life. Luckily, after I graduated from 8th grade, it became a middle school (grades 6, 7, and 8 ) instead of a junior high (grades 7, 8, and 9), so I didn't have to be there for the full three years. The place was hell. I was ridiculed, teased, and bullied by students and teachers alike (one teacher made me cry three times and didn't care at all; the first time, she subsequently demanded me to "wipe those tears up." I had to get out of her class at the end of the semester). The school supposedly had a "zero-tolerance policy" regarding bullying, which remains the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. I would go to teachers or the principal, crying, begging for them to do something about the bullying and never-ending gay slurs thrown at me. They said they'd take care of it, but they never did.
For high school, I moved to my dad's house in eastern Missouri, where I'm originally from. It's a small Catholic school, and I went there because he teaches at that school. It was the best four years of my life. I had a group of friends, two of whom I still hang out with the few times I'm able to see them, and aside from one incident my freshman year that was partly my fault, I didn't experience any bullying at all. It was truly an amazing time, and I constantly ruminate about those years, desperately wanting to go back.
I'm a sophomore at a community college now, and I don't like it. I'm back in Kansas where my mom lives, and I don't have any friends with whom I can spend time. There were a few casual friends I made, but I haven't seen any of them in at least a month. I'm praying that I'll have better experiences at a university.
In a word: horrible. Not just the bullying but the $#@ boredom! Grammar Geek seems to echo my experiences: teased in elementary school and lightly bullied (and was a great soccer goalie!), mercilessly crucified in Junior High by almost everyone (I am sure not everyone hated me but nobody came to my support until the final few months of Grade 9) and surprisingly easy High School. My few friends consisted of "B", a big tough pathological liar, "D", a spoiled, lazy kid with a learning disability and "J", Mr Obsessive Compulsive who had to have everything on his terms. Two of them moved away and the third went off with his "weird" friends that were too weird for me, ironically enough one of whom is a cousin of my Fiancee.
The work was ridiculously easy but I usually had what I now know are anxiety attacks during most tests. I still remember how scared I was to go home and show my mother a mark of 67 on a Math test on a Friday. I literally was shaking uncontrollably for the entire trip home and was sick to my stomach all weekend like I was going to the Electric chair and had 48 hours to report there. Do you just get it over with or enjoy your final moments of life no matter how hard? Sounds silly but that's what it felt like at the time.
Sub in "80s and 90s" and that's my academic life in a nutshell. Back then, bullying was seen as a fact of life and nothing was done about it except how to "act tough" and make myself less of a target (and it backfired miserably).
I was bullied for a long time, on the elementary school by boys, a bit less by girls. Later on girls started to bully as well, by faking seducing me. Since then I had problems with women, either not understand or disrespecting their behaviour.
I went to a normal school, especially because of my high intelligence. When I was between 6 and 8 years old, I was way more advanced than the other children of the same age were.
It was and still is impossible to get normal work. It could be autism that could prevent me to have a normal job, but I think stigma plays a role here.

Joined: 4 May 2010
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I was bullied in elementary school & found my classes very difficult due to my dyslexia & ADD on top of my Aspie issues. I did well in a school for dyslexia I went to from the middle of 6th through 8th grade. It didn't do high-school thou so I went to a Catholic high-school. I wasn't really bullied & I had a resource class but I still struggled in some of my classes. I really only did well with General Business, Business Math, Piratical Geometry & PE.
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing"
https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ru ... cquisition
Was all pretty much the same from when I started primary school at age 4 to when I left secondary school at age 16, never had any friends, was always a loner, got picked on/bullied on a pretty much daily basis, even turned into a bit of a bully myself at one point (not proud of it but its the truth)
To sum it up they were absolute torture and I'm glad its over.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 147 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 64 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
Elementary School was awesome. I loved elementary school.
High School was an incredibly different experience. High School was incredibly brutal.
I'm currently in college, and I'm not 100% interested, but I'm interested a tiny bit.
I have Autism but people usually just don't notice, so my slight Autism is here to SHINE!

Some will, some won't, so what, whatever!
Avid blogger.
I wasn't bullied too bad, other than a bit of teasing. There were some periods where I had a friend, but for the most part I spent recesses alone. I was in regular classes with an IEP (mostly for emotional problems). I always did well at school. In middle and high school I found projects very stressful, but I always did well. I had (and still have) meltdowns and outbursts due to emotional upsets and frustration.
I'm currently in high school, and thriving. Although I'm thriving now doesn't mean that I was before, however.
Kindergarten in SA: Cried everyday, on the steps, in front of every other small child. Of course, in South Africa, if you were different, you'd be sent to an institution of some sort. I was only what, 4? 5? 'That's how kids are, these days.' But no one hung out with me, no one let me play with them. I was obnoxiously loud when upset and completely spoiled rotten by my parents at the time. I ripped paper, pulled my peers' hair, scratched their faces. I did with my younger brother, too - out of pure jealousy. I was an only child for 2.5 years until this tiny wrinkled thing came along and took all of the attention.
School in SA: I only went to official 'school' for the first two years after we moved. For those two years I outmatched and surpassed even the teachers - finishing 6 thin, kindergarten-level books during the length it took the others to read 1. I was alone then, too. I'd gotten over crying and hurting my peers. That was beat out of me by my teachers.
2nd Grade in USA: Just moved to America. What's pizza? I was made fun of for having an accent and not being able to look anyone in the eyes. I, knowing what happens when you tantrum and kick and bite, didn't say a word. I find a friend in an Asian girl named Marina with an autistic brother. I notice that the kids do not get hit with rulers/hairbrushes for hurting other kids. I live for years not knowing why.
6th Grade: Marina leaves for Japan. I hit puberty. I fall into a rut of depression and hatred for everything. I develop BPD and stop going to school. When I do go to school, I cry, have panic attacks, and pick fights. I start cutting. Writing suicide letters. Start a collection. Start wearing black (this caused my trigger that developed later on) and watching anime. I found out that teachers are not allowed to hit students in America.
Middle School: Went to four different middle schools due to moving or being bullied. All of them have the exact same effect as 6th Grade. I start spending my life in my room. I spend most of my school days at home, on my computer. My Skype friends are my only friends. I lose them as fast as I can finish a sentence on my keyboard. Make a friend named Holly during my 8th year. We become friends and stay that way until 10th Grade, when she starts calling me out for being genuine and 'not understanding.'
Freshman Year: Failed miserably. I start to make friends. Have to change schools due to missing too much school. Spend the rest of the year in my room, rotting.
Sophomore Year: I start to go to a new high school. It has a small 1st period class for Aspies like me - I soon start to make friends with all amazing 5 of them. I start a 6-hour school day soon enough. get all-A's for the first semester, besides one C+. I have regular classes now - albeit taking two remedial ones that I cannot stand, due to the easy nature of the coursework.
This is where I am now. I made it and I bet anyone else stuck in where I was can climb out and grow. I believe that you can.
“Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on a planet scarcely bigger than himself and who had need for a friend.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
special education then gifted program then let go from special education ...one semester straight A except home education and then failed every class after that obtained a different type of graduation and then college and working on a degree and currently the study group have begun to behave oddly towards me but that was after I paid for a persons 300 dollar book and she hasnt paid it back decided that I get state aid so I dont deserve to be paid back but I get no assistance I have a loan i have to pay back..............typical of the people raised in this area. Never had issues like this with people from the city its always those born and raised out here.
twice I was beat up but the second was a whole slew of jerks kicked the crapola out of me and burned with cigarrttes but I was satisfied because the instigator was held by the throat when the others began beating and burning me...figured I was gonna lose maybe die but this one was going with me.....she had bruises on her neck and I had blackened face from being kicked and cigarette burns...oh well!! We shook hands a week later and they all steered clear of me after that...but so did anyone that was my friend after that too. I was very small but very determined and if you were gonna beat on me I might lose but you were gonna hurt too...Too bad if they did not like no one should have hit me. I was quiet i minded my business...I liked everyone...they hated me though! I was always teased over my bowed legs...kept getting asked if I just got off a horse....finally one day i turned to the guy that was always saying it and everyone would laugh and I looked him in the eye and said" yes I did just get off a horse you dumb SOB! Bet 200 bucks I could stay on better than you as well!" His eyes widened he backed up shut up and that ended right there....I did not hear anymore of it!
I think back and cant help wonder why everyone had to pound on me I was short, pal and really skinny I was probably a whole 60 pounds at best back then and then gained 40pounds by the end of that school year i was stupid tiny. i stayed quiet did what I was supposed to and theyd just keep going until I had to make it stop...thing is i never would have done that to them and I never wanted to get mad...but thing is was I supposed to just let them beat me to death or harass me to suicide? I think back about that fight and I feel bad ...reality is I never wanted to hurt her but she was beating the holy crap out of me so I defended myself and then her friends got pissed then scared cause I was winning and wasnt letting go and the adults had to break it up...I hate myself for that
School was...well pretty much what you would expect for an awkward girl who was quiet, yet surprisingly blunt and a bit oblivious to what people thought of her.
2nd grade was probably when I started to notice things my peers likely already knew. Typically, during recess, the girls would all play together and the boys would all play together, this seemed to me to be a given. It didn't occur to me that the other girls may not have liked me. As it turned out, they did not, and would discuss it when I wasn't around. I began hanging out with the boys after that. They weren't nearly as cryptic. But elementary school wasn't all bad, I had choir and art class (for some reason my teacher thought I could be a great artist, which always confused me because I was merely copying him ).
Middle School was more of the same mysteries surrounding social interactions. Every time I thought I had the rules figured out, they seemed to change.
High School was where things got really bad, but it's not something I discuss.
Even though i did experience bullying, the biggest factor to my unhappines at school where the teachers. They did some totaly unjustifiable things to me over the years. Even some illegall stuff as well. I was very unlucky with my teachers i believe.
I feel that i came in like the black sheep and the teachers just decided to give me bald spots as well.
Im not complaining about them just treating me differently, they are instructed to do that. But im kind of shocked when i think about some of the stuff they did.
after not thinking about this for a long time, i know think about this everyday. Because im newly diagnosed with asperger, and have been looking at at all documentaries/fictional movies about autism/asperger out there.
Not good memories.
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