scratty wrote:
Omg, that does sound familiar. I love learning and I love textbooks but I hate feeling like I need to satisify the "gatekeeper" to pass the course. I dropped out of high school because it was too slow and i was alienated from my peers. They found me disturbing so I stopped going. I did however go to the library and learn stuff on my own and got my GED just by walking in the door. I didn't have to study for it. As for college I pick online classes because I can go at my own pace rather than listening to a teacher drone on about stuff I just do not care about. College however IS much more tolerant of their students and their quirks. I love that. Your free to pick your own ways of getting your grades rather than being forced to do a specific thing. I like being able to pick my topics to research in depth all I want and writing my findings and getting responses from my instructers.
Wow. If I didn't know better, you could almost be me. I like almost any subject, and I don't get bored easily. For me, the issue is "time." The way school is formatted, I have to stuff a ton of information into my head, and spit it back out when I do homework or take a test. But it seems to me that
comprehension is more important. If it takes six months to fully understand "Point A," then two days to fully understand "Point B," then so be it. Just because I might pass a test doesn't guarantee that I know the subject.
"Disturbing" is another thing. Did you ever get the feeling that people are scared of you, even though you've done nothing at all? You just walk into a room, and people stay away. Why is that?