Hate is a strong word, but I could most definately apply it to him. He seems to revel in making his class overly difficult for no good reason. This clown deletes the class notes from the server without warning. We had group projects, someone *literally* did not let me join a group due to racist reasons and he did not let me join another group. But the final straw tears it.
At my university, they give us a series of forms you take to your professor that allow you to use your accomodations per what your diagnosis says. I"ve asked in the past to use a single sheet of scrap paper on an exam to solve math problems to whiich he said no. I usually do not need assistance in many of my classes so I forgo the accomodations but he wouldn't even allow me to use a scrap sheet of paper, so my hand was forced.
He is willing to comply, but he is making it absolutely most diffiicult to do so. Typically, most professors simply leave the exam in a mailbox or with a secretary in a sealed envelope, and require double signatures from the secretary of both offices (disability dept and offiice secretary) in order for the test to be valiid. However, he specifically has me come in first thing in the morning (8am) in his office to personally pick up the test.
So now I have to get to the middle of downtown during the peak of rushour. I must then walk it over, wait an hour for the DIS dept to open, take the test and hand deliver it to him before 1230am.
I HATE this professor. I know it is a strong word, but he has gone out of his way to garner it. IF ever there was someone who I wish to be run over by a bus, it would be him.
f*****g as*hole. Thank God he's retiring.