My dream in life is to design spacecrafts and other astronautical machines. I come from a very poor family and have around $28,000 in college savings that I inherited from my grandparents, which is not nearly enough to go to any university in America which offers such courses, let alone cover the cost of living. I want to avoid student debt at all costs while pursuing at least a Master's, hopefully a Doctorate. I'm willing to go anywhere in the world, learn any language, and live as cheaply as possible, using my savings to supplement cost of living. I've looked into Iceland and Norway; neither of them offer any courses I'm interested in, plus the cost of living is insanely high, and there's virtually no housing. I've also looked into Germany and somewhat Austria but haven't done as much research yet. Any ideas would be very appreciated.
I'm seventeen, not sixteen. My birthday was June 23, 2000.
Independent|Nationalist (kinda)|Darwinist|Nietzsche Enthusiast|Populist
Political Compass: -1.13 x, 1.13 y