Anyone ever threatened with suspension?

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13 Jan 2011, 4:35 pm

In grade 7, my friend had this broken elastic band where he used it like a whip. I think he flung it towards me somewhere and he was like "here, for payback, I give you permission to flick it at my hair, it doesn't hurt and it feels cool."

Now, I knew that flinging elastic bands were against school rules no matter what the intentions are and so I remember I made sure my science teacher didn't catch me doing it (we were in science class). However, as soon as I flicked the elastic band, the teacher somehow caught me doing it and he said that if he ever caught me using the elastic band as a "weapon" ever again, he will suspend me "for a week" (or something with the word "week" in it). Funny thing is that he didn't send me down to the office nor did he give a phone call home.


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13 Jan 2011, 10:40 pm

Actually, I was put into a similar situation, except I was collecting rubber bands post an illegal rubber band war. I was intending to use the rubber bands as a bungee for an experiment I was doing at the time. However, I was caught in the act and was given my second ever detention. I was not threatened with suspension, however.

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13 Jan 2011, 11:05 pm

I've never been suspended from school, although I have received some detentions throughout elementary and junior high.

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14 Jan 2011, 1:58 am

Threatened yes, but never near getting an actual suspension, I am in good relations with the guys who make the detentions, suspensions and that
I'm generally quite calmed, and when I went in detention it was usually for very small things


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14 Jan 2011, 2:06 am

I had 2 detentions in middle school, and one suspension for half a day. :oops: I don't remember what the detentions were for though. :roll: They weren't for misbehaving though, although my suspension was. :shrug:


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14 Jan 2011, 5:34 am

i was expelled from 8 schools.
i had a major problem accepting the authority of the teaching staff.

i was rude and resistant when a teacher spoke to me in a tone of voice that i felt was imposing and disrespectful to me.

i was not worried about the potential ramifications of my interaction with teachers who i did not like, and the threat of "getting into trouble" was not apparent to me.

i felt that if they threatened to give me the stick, i would refuse to accept it, and i knew that there was no way they could touch me because i would refuse to put my hand out to be caned.

i intentionally responded to authoritarian teachers in a way that elicited their tempers to be compromised. i do not understand exactly why, but it seemed like an instinctive polarization that i was powerless to control.
there are enough examples to make for years worth of reading, but i will give a few examples that characterize my interaction with them.

one example was that i went to a newsagent and had a stamp made that had my name on it. the stamp was a circular stamp that said "mark mctaggart esquire" in a circular pattern. i used it to stamp my name on my work that i submitted.

so, in class, i would write the necessary words on my papers, and then at the end, i would open my stamp pad, and punch my stamp on it, and then punch the stamp on my paper. the teacher would invariably be annoyed at the sound of it disrupting the silence of the class, and they would also be irritated by the eccentricity of it. they thought i was bombastic.

when a teacher tried to confiscate my stamp, i resisted with extreme force and told him that getting his teachers certificate did not give him license to steal property from his students.

he demanded that i let go of the stamp, and i demanded that he show me the written rule that stamps are not allowed at the school.
he told me that he was officially outlawing stamps at the school as of now, and i told him that he was not authorized to write the rules of the school on his own. i told him that any rule he created was not enforceable because he was just an employee of the school, and he had no authority to take it upon himself to willy nilly rewrite the schools rules and i refused to let go of the stamp.

then he ripped the stamp out from my hand and i told him i was going to ring the police because he had just committed the crime of theft, and he "ordered" me to go to the principals office.

i told him i would not follow his order, and instead i would go to the police and have him charged with theft. he shouted at me that if i left the school grounds, then i would be suspended, and i ran at him and tried to get my stamp back, and he was bigger than me (i was 12) and he hit me in the face and i exploded and pulled all the books out of their shelves and swiped all his papers of his desk and said that he will give me my stamp back or he would regret it.

then 2 other teachers entered the class room and they were probably attracted by the ruckus that was happening and they overheard it, and i said "right!! ! you are going to lament your actions i promise you", and i got my bag and swung for a teachers head but i missed and then i ran out of the class and left the school grounds and cried uncontrollably in rage for a while and then i went home to tell my parents. they already knew what happened when i got home and they said that i should go to bed and rest, so i did and the next day i did not have to go to school.

2 weeks later, i started attending an adolescent unit and i was very happy there, but i could only stay for 12 months, and then i was released back into the mainstream school system, and it happened all over again. the next time i was expelled was because a teacher thought i had no right to put my hands in my pockets, and the situation escalated to violence and i went back to another adolescent unit.

i was not able to complete my schooling very easily.

now i am an adult, people do treat me with respect, but i still have difficulties in interacting with people who tell me what to do without asking if i want to do what they demand me to do.


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14 Jan 2011, 8:53 pm

I used to get suspended all the time in elementry school. I would even purposely act up in order TO get suspended. They eventualy realised that and gave me something called an "In school suspension" but just returned me to my regualr classroom when the babysitter had to go home. I actualy had a good time in in school supension. I would misbehave in order TO get suspended.

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20 Jan 2011, 6:48 am

i have been suspended many times, for fighting and such, 5 or 6 at both my primary and secondary school, i was never threatend with it because id always just explode in violent rage before i dealt with anything

5 years since I last logged in, and nothing of value was lost


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20 Jan 2011, 9:27 pm

I've been threatened with academic suspension at university-so depressed and not doing well in classes, you'd think getting two Fs in Math would be an indication that I am not really able to pass a Math class with ease like most... 8O


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22 Jan 2011, 8:28 pm

I had meltdowns and threw stuff at people in Catholic School and I never got punished...I'm starting to realize that the reason was probably due to my non-Catholic status bringing the school extra money (since they make non-Catholics pay more to attend their schools). If you had seen the conditions of the schools I attended, you could see that they couldn't afford to lose me. I wish I had come to this realization then so I could've been more confident about doing more damage to my harassers.


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26 Jan 2011, 11:06 pm

I got suspended about 100 times in elementary, once in middle school, never so far in high school. The elementary school suspensions were all before Grade 4.

They didn't even warn me, or talk about they just sent me home. Didn't even tell me.


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27 Jan 2011, 12:34 am

I used to get suspended all the time in elementary, I think I had the record for pink slips.
Got worse and worse as elementary went on.
Then they sent me to the counselor which I liked because she was hot. =)

Junior high got suspended few times though usually just in school.

High school, dont think I got suspended at all, nobody messed with me anymore.

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27 Jan 2011, 1:02 pm

Aaaaall the time all the way up to grade 10.


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28 Jan 2011, 5:07 pm

elementary I was suspended every other week. Like that one time I beat up my bully. odd enough the week I came back and he knocked out my teeth he got off with a warning for picking on me.

High school I was suspended only three times. The time I cussed out one of MOD teachers for losing one of my tests and giving me an F on it. Then next was because In science class I had to build a castle and have it live through an attack so I put it ontop of a remote control car and attacked the other class catapults. and lasty for cussing out these kids at the school store for being lazy and making me do all the work.

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29 Jan 2011, 2:48 pm

I was never threatened with suspension, but I was a couple of times threatened with being thrown out of class or sent to the principal's office. I was twice thrown out of class and one of those times I was sent to he vice principal's office too. My "offenses" were:

1. I had missed one class due to being sick and in the following class my math teacher had given me incorrect directions for how to use a new calculation method she had taught in the previous class. I used the method as she explained it on a test and she marked me down on the test, saying the method was incorrect. I complained to her and told her I had used the method she had taught me. She got annoyed and said she wouldn't have made such a mistake. Then I showed her the paper with her own handwriting which showed clearly that she had written it wrong for me in the first place and she got furious and started yelling at me and threatened to throw me out of class. I got upset and had a meltdown and then she threw me out and sent me to the vice principal's office, where I was lectured on how I must be just imagining stuff and how teachers always know better than students and never make mistakes and bla bla. :roll:

2. In PE class we were playing basketball, but some of the girls from the other class who were playing on the other team used the game as an excuse to intentionally scratch me all over my face, neck and hands and I got fed up with it and complained to the teacher. The teacher didn't want to do anything about it, so I refused to play anymore and be subject to all that scratching and the teacher got annoyed and told me that if I was going to refuse to participate I might as well get out of there. I walked straight out, happy to be out of that stupid cat fight.


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29 Jan 2011, 3:19 pm

Wow, I'm suprised at all these suspensions. I was quite a bad kid though, loads of detentions and all, but never a suspension. I am an Angel now, though :D.

My older brothers were much worse though; one of them skipped exams to truant and smoke weed with his chav friends (most of his old friends are in jail or even dead now, I'm not joking), and my other brother was suspended for putting his middle finger up to a teacher :lol:.

I have done the same to that teacher - I hated her, everyone did - but behind her back so I wasn't caught :lol:.

That elastic band situation reminds me of when my friend was suspended for also making a 'weapon', a balloon attached to a bottle neck, which he fired nails out of :lol:. He nearly hit our teacher in the head!

I wouldn't have minded if he did hit him, that teacher was a b*****! :twisted:. When I heard that he had been fired, that was one of the greatest moments of my life. He was an abusive, offensive, nasty man :evil:. Ah, school days...