Patronizing Teachers
When I was high school I had a geometry teacher who was a bit, hyper. Rumor had it that one year he dared his students to do push-ups with him in class, that rumor was confirmed to be true. He was a 60 year old man who also happened to be a motivational speaker and marathon runner in his spare time. So classes were interesting. Interesting, meaning that the teacher would start writing an equation on the front computer board, run to the back of the room to the back board and finish the problem. The class was exhausting for me because the guy taught so fast and I couldn't keep up, at all, and neither could anyone else. The teacher knew I had a 504 because legally he had to know this. So here's where the story gets weird.
Now, in the middle of the first semester when we began taking tests I would just stare at the page and do nothing. I didn't know where to begin or end any of the questions. So I was going to do what I have always done during stressful tests (hand written exams in particular) sit and stare and wait until the time was up and rush to make up an answer. This teacher saw that I wasn't doing anything and then proceeded to take the test paper and write the beginnings of the answer for me to solve, which was frustrating for many reasons.
1. I wanted to actually understand the math and how to do it so I wouldn't have to stare.
2. I was literally being singled out and everyone could see that the teacher was just taking my paper and writing on it.
3. I couldn't communicate to the teacher to stop filling out my tests because I didn't want to fail any more classes.
This continued for many tests and assignments. I ended up getting a B in the class to my mother's surprise, but I still don't understand sine, cosine, tangent and everything else. I'm not sure if the teacher did this because of my ed plan, but he never did this to anyone else.
My question to anyone reading this is simple, have you ever had a teacher patronize you (indirectly or directly) about your Autism or IEP or 504 or any special learning plan?
I had a teacher that didn't like me or my sister because we had IEPs and she didn't want to follow them. This teacher gave me a D on my final because it was a presentation and she thought my speaking skills weren't up to par. Autistic people generally struggle with giving presentations in front of people which she should know because my disability was at the top of the first page of my IEP. The other people in my group got better grades on the presentation. I think she was looking for something she could fail me on. I got good grades on my other assignments and I did a ton of extra credit to maintain an A in the class. I would have gotten a B without the extra credit. My sister got a C in the class I believe. My sister had the regular version of the class and I had the honors version. This teacher didn't like my brother either because she thought he was a punk and he is my brother.
I just looked at my old report cards. I would have a C in the beginning of the semester, but I would bring it up to an A by the end of the semester because I did all the extra credit that I could. I graduated with honors by the skin of my behind because of this teacher. She graded extremely hard. Teachers tend to grade in a more subjective manner in English classes.
Yes. My biology teacher did not understand. She did many things that I did not like.
1.She always wanted me in my seat, with my feet on the floor and completely still(almost impossible)
2. She always announced that there were regular and adapted tests. She would make it kind of obvious who got the adapted tests. 2 other kids and I would get them.
3. She would seat me at the front. I told her multiple times that I was more comfortable in the back because I was the near the door. Sometimes I need to leave class.
4. She sighed when she discovered I was in her class. She did for this for 2 other students with IEPs as well.
5. She would always think I was up to something
6. She would be undiscrete about when other students or I had to go the learning support room. She would give us a greensheet and we had to go down.
That class was very hard for me. Im glad I am done with it. I spent most of it in the special ed room though.
Dont try to be someone you are not. Respect the Stim