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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Dec 2018, 7:34 pm

Some subjects we would have hated, but the teacher/professor manages to make it super fun. Has there been anyone like that?

I can say that about my english professor, who was pumped with energy.


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06 Dec 2018, 10:47 pm

My General Business teacher was like that. The class was mostly discussion based. He let us talk & joke around about things. He also kind of let us do what we wanted in class as long as we were still listening & participating in discussions. I played Tetris on my graphing calculator most of the time when we weren't having tests. I was one of the biggest participators in discussions & I made the best grades in the class. He was a coach thou(I had him for PE when I was in another grade) & coaches tended to be more kewl/lax about things than the reg teachers.

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26 Jan 2019, 9:08 pm

I have experienced the opposite a few times (awesome subject, terrible teacher).

There were some teachers that made lessons fun... but we didn't really learn much.

I didn't find the actual subjects engaging at all.

Used to have a maths teacher that would put on music every Friday, bring in sweets and tell us stories now and then. She outwardly stated that she didn't expect that any of us would pass.

I guess her logic went something along the lines of "Well, this class is hopeless, I guess we should just enjoy the swim in this sinking ship".

Later in the year I had maths a lot more, sometimes three times in one day. There were moments where I would cry in frustration because I couldn't do my homework despite my best efforts.

My Geography and German teachers were also entertaining, but for their conspiracy theories and tales of mishaps. Especially that German teacher, he has experienced quite an eventful life! :lol:

Another German teacher I had did make me slightly more interested in learning the language, she showed us German music videos and that did make me want to understand German more than my rather limited understanding...

However, my business studies teacher taught our class the wrong syllabus for a year, so I had to redo all of that work which meant making sacrifices. I decided to drop German to catch up on my business studies. This meant taking a fail but oh well. At least I got a high level in my business studies after all this.

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27 Jan 2019, 9:26 pm

How much I like a class depends more on the instructor than the subject

Emu Egg
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29 Apr 2019, 6:03 am

I think I see two of you who think you have awesome teachers, and I'm seeing sweet, cute, pretty, and no tests, but nothing about how much you have learned. Remember that it isn't a teacher's job to entertain you, but to help you learn enough to get by in the world. If she's doing that, then it's great.

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29 Apr 2019, 6:57 am

elianagranger wrote:
I think I see two of you who think you have awesome teachers, and I'm seeing sweet, cute, pretty, and no tests, but nothing about how much you have learned. Remember that it isn't a teacher's job to entertain you, but to help you learn enough to get by in the world. If she's doing that, then it's great.
I learned a lot in General Business. I'm more of an auditory learner so I tend to learn better by having discussion based classes than I do by reading & studying. I also pay more attention & tend to remember better when I'm having more fun. Most of what we joked about & had fun with was related to what we were learning.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
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05 May 2019, 2:22 am

I feel like i dont really need teachers most of the time.. i can learn better digesting on my own .. teachers just waste your time , like idk , i only have occasional questions ,


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05 May 2019, 6:02 am

like why do we even go to school its like when u were three or five u started to "be gone" (sent) to school but like why??? the teachers were awful, bullies and ret*d , and 80% of your schoolmates were awful, bullies and ret*d, while the rest of the 20% are either cute and ret*d, or smart and halitosis, or some kind of combination like hott + ret*d + bully + halitosis. when ur trying to learn in that kind of environment .. im sorry. I dont think school is for learning . I dont really what it is for. Its basically like a social media IRL.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 May 2019, 2:22 pm

I had that in math class one year and I got a good mark in math. It was the first time I got a 70 something in math