guy at the top wrote: the teacher often discusses about how I will have friends in later life. I don't think I will have many friends that older...
Same thing for me. I get that a lot, that things will be better - yet I'm being very sincere and realistic and just can't see me becoming this social maestro in the years to come. Also, a lot of girls say this:
"Don't worry Mike, you'll find the right girl some day! [as long as it isn't me] "
It's like people mean well, but you can't help but be upset at that because you so strongly feel that they're wrong.
... and I got a bit upset when I saw lots of people hugging and saying "Have a good summer" because even though I have 2 AS friends (which I am proud of having) I still don't have much of a social life. ...
I'm glad to hear you have AS friends. I also find it funny though, that I am the same way - At the end of this year I had very few yearbook signatures. I got almost no hugs or goodbyes or anything. I still have only gone out and "chilled" a few times if that.
If you're old enough to get a job somewhere, do that. You might as well sell your time to somebody if you have nothing better to do with it. I hate the work I do at McDonald's. With or without it, I'd be bored during the summer, so I might as well take part in boredom that I get paid for.
Good outlook. I disagree personally, because I can always find something to do in my life. Even if it's obscure work like cleaning something. If I'm tired of my electronics and mechanics, I'll go downstairs and clean the kitchen ... and appliances... out of the blue. Why, just last week I gave the old toaster a good cleaning. I wasn't going to make toast in it otherwise.