So, myself and a sibling grew up in the same dysfunctional household, right... with me going to some idiotic church school which literally only bothered to get any real scientific subjects... after I left, screwed me for life... really low standards generally, an essay I wrote once e.g. was presumed plagiarism... I guess, must have thought, since most others couldn't write, I couldn't either... had a breakdown soon after leaving too, although I mainly blamed it on the abusive household (not much else happened at that point, school may have screwed me over, but at least it ended)... now my sibling happened to be chosen, through a random process, to go to this other school... which didn't seem as dysfunctional, although I don't know much about it anyway... from the descriptions it seemed to be better than mine, at any rate... more subjects too (one other difference is that it catered to a bunch of ages, so didn't have to find a new school after some arbitrary number like I did, not sure if that was part of the equation)... my sibling didn't have a breakdown, and could go onto uni, while I rot away alone decades later... so, was it just the lottery, or something else...?