Not sure about your college, but you could always take "Interpersonal Communications". You still have to do a speech, but I didn't find the class too hard. Plus the instructor I had was generous as long as you tried and got to class on time. We had to do two speeches. The first had to be 100% scripted and just read to the class, which was easy for me, since all I had to do was read and make it look like I was giving eye contact. The second was was persuasive and it could be about anything. I did mine to encourage people to play DDR, and I brought a soft mat to class and demostrated a song. That made it easy for me since I got to look away from the class for two minutes of my five minute presentation, and I knew the game inside and out.
Now where was I going with this? Well, if your class is anything like mine, choose a topic you are obsessed about and just talk about it to everyone. If the topic is open to anything, speaking to others should be really easy for people like us. As people with AS, we can talk hours about our most favorite subject to indivuduals, so just get something prepared for class, and just make it look like your looking at everyone if you have a problem with eyes (I do sometimes).