Fnord wrote:
Awrightie, then . . .
I can think back and review my public school "career" as 13 years of Hell, yet without reliving the bad feelings. It was bad enough when fellow students would beat me up, but when the teachers would ridicule me in class for getting beat up ("You must have asked for it", "Stop being a crybaby", "Nobody likes a tattle-tail", et cetera), that really made it awful. I even stopped telling my parents, because nothing ever changed when I did. I remember constantly being told that nothing would be done about physical bullying I was subjected to or mocked/belittled/humiliated by authorities when I would finally ask for intervention. At times they'd even suggest that physical bullying they witnessed on a daily basis wasn't their problem, I'd have to deal with it myself, but
also, there's a zero-tolerance policy for fighting.
Finally I started warning that if they continued to fail me I was just going to retaliate, that I was going to start making examples of people and that any intervention or attempts to punish me afterwards would be treated as bullying and earn a response.
I was lucky though in that the principal had been my VP when I started and that I got along with two of the three VPs. There was one who really liked to target me in regards to dress code, but once I realized she was just a much older bully my method of dealing with her changed. I got pulled in, she closed the door, immediately lost control of the situation and I told her if we ever had to speak in that office again I'd deal with her like some of the other bullies, gave her a big wink, a finger gun and walked out. There was one impotent attempt after that and she caught a hand for it (before I had realized who it was, I just didn't flinch or become apologetic when I realized).
It's funny, because for the first two years I just kept my head down and tried to avoid trouble, I tried using authorities, I tried using threats, I tried using diplomacy, I tried using kindness but once all that was left in my toolbag was a hammer suddenly all my problems became nails... but they always ended up curled up and bent over.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.