This post about my future should have a lot less whining than the original. I met with a counselor at my state's rehabilitation center to discuss future plans (I've been meeting with her for about 3 or 2 years now) and she and my parents think that I should go for my associate's degree and then take more accounting/business courses for maybe a year. After that, I think I should go for my bachelor's degree.
The reasoning behind all this is because I want to become an accountant when I finish school. I have read on various websites and forums that you need to have at least a bachelor's degree at the least, but my parents and career counselor think that after earning the associate's, and then taking additional accounting/business courses at the locla community college, thta I should be pretty marketable to employers.
Who do you guys think I should believe, websites that I stumble upon, or people that I have been meeting and living with for years and try to guide me in making decisions?