Unfounded hatred...
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 31 Dec 2006
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 40
Location: Queensland, Australia (Earth, Solar System)
Is it a normal aspie thing to harbour completely unwarranted hatred for certain people, or do I just have an abraisive personality?
We recently got a student teacher in my Film and Television class who, for reasons that even I don't know, annoys the hell out of me. I don't have any hard evidence as to what it is that makes me hate her so much, but it's extremely annoying because FTV has, up until this point been my favourite and best subject, with one of the best teachers I've ever had. Unfortunately, we've had the student teacher for two weeks and and even though I tried being a good student at first, my patience grew thin and I am finding myself incapable of doing any work for the arrogant b%&^*. I know it's going to end up effecting my grades, as we got our most recent paper back today and I topped the class with an A+ (the next highest mark from mine being a C+; my normal teacher is quite a harsh marker). The student teacher will be remaining until 2 weeks before the end of the school year, at which point it will probably be almost impossible to pick my grades back up to that standard if I continue refusing to do work for her, as I know I will.
I don't so much mind the fact that she's going to make me fail, I just want to know whether it's my aspergers bringing about the contemptuous loathing I feel for the student teacher, or if I'm just a very stubborn person with attitude issues...normally I'd just assume the latter, but I just can't find a reason for it. Can anyone tell me if hating someone without a specific reason is an "aspie thing to do"?
Why can't we live in a world where even chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned?
I think all people AS and NT have personality clashes with certain other people for reason's they can't really explain.
I took an evening class several years ago I really enjoyed until one part was taught by a psychology teacher I really couldn't stand, she was very off-hand and condicending and thought she was an expert in areas she seemed to not know so much about. because of her I didn't take up a full course in the subject like I wanted to - I would have had to kill her at some point!! !
Is it that the student teacher thinks she knows everything by virtue of her degree and thinks none of the students know anything?
I think the best teachers are those that are open to discussion of opinion on topics but some take it too far.
Another history teacher I didn't like took it too far though and wouldn't teach us any facts but wanted us to go spend hours in the library reading everything on the russian revolution ourselves, no reading list for direction either. This may have been acceptable for fulltime students but it was evening class just a few hours a week for people who worked fulltime and just wanted to improve their education/cv. He spent the whole class with feet on the table not doing anything and telling us to just talk about the subject ourselves which we couldn't do because we didn't have any real information as a start.
Any implied social connection is an artifact of the distance between my computer and yours.
It might look like I'm doing nothing, but at the cellular level I'm really quite busy.
I don't think that this is an Aspie thing. I think it's an attitude thing.
Your post is a cop out. You've had good grades in the past, why not now? You're going to meet people all through your life that you don't like. Don't let them make you feel as though you're going to fail something because of it. Deal with it and move on. In fact, use it as a challenge to prove to yourself that you are the better person.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is AS is ,classic "black and white thinking"....someone is all bad or all good.Thats really not how the world works but our minds try and simplify it that way.Whatever reasons you have decided you dislike the person...some of them may be very good reasons,focusing on this dislike is only hurting you,not her.Part of your dislike for her maybe two things that have little to do with her.......Having to deal with change(new teacher after getting used to the other one)Resenting her for replacing your other teacher(which is really not her fault unless she killed your other teacher and stole her job).
Somethings that might help you acheive your goal......passing the class:
Try and pay attention to her,is her voice abbrassive,does she seem bossy,etc,what specificaly is she doing that annpies you.
Once you have the list.....try and think of some ways to forgive her for her shortcomings...
Ex.Her voice is annoying.........People cant help their tone of voice and many people hate people with AS for our voices
She is bossy.........Perhaps she had a very harsh parent with an authitarian way of parenting.This person may have been abusive to her and caused her to think the only way to o things is being bossy.Perhaps she is very insecure and thinks no one will take her seriously unless she is bossy(thinks it's how to be an adult)
It's not easy but I try and trick myself into being "empahetic" with people who rub me the wrong way.I dont do this just to be a nice person(though I think learning to except and like people inspite of themselves is a good thing),I really do it because spending all my energy "hating" someone only seems to hurt me.All that negativity...steals my energy and I dont want them to have my energy,better ways to use it .
I hope that makes a little sense and helps.It does take some practice but tends tp be a useful tool in conserving your energy for your own use and obsessions.Just remember....not doing and turning in your work....in noway hurts her,only you.Dont give away your power.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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i hated my old maths teacher more than i can put words to, i think shes on long service leave or something but now i have one who is almost as bad ............... i dont like the subject either that cannot help
but im with you i cant put words to half of why i hate that woman shes the hight of what i hate about teachers and more, she always used to f**k around with her position in the class she was everyones friend, shed be talking with us then as soon as she didn't like some progression in the conversation (usually she was losing an argument) we where all horrible and disruptive, she expected respect, she was offended at the drop of a hat, her voice was hideous, whenever there where a couple conversations in the class shed start yelling at me, she spent 15 minutes of a 5 minute interview with my parents talking about how i was disrupting class and how badly i was doing then spent 20 minutes of the next class basically telling me am a failure
she was a f*****g idiot and 50 types of hypocrite but that wasn't near the f*****g half of it
you see? i haven't seen her in 2 or 3 months but the slightest thought of her still trebles my blood pressure
the new one is just an idiot shes trying to assert her authority over the class but im doing everything i can to negate her
...... what was this thread about again ................. ive got no ida if its an aspie thing ........ it is probably a personality thing