When I was enrolled in the DSS (disabled student services) at my local college, this was supposed to help me get along in my classes and pass.
There were tutors available... I never used them.
There were rooms and computers available... I used those because I could be in there by myself.
What I found has helped me (I have ADD/HD not AS), is establishing routines. Without routines, I get lost.
But, establishing routines by myself is a difficult task.
This semester is in it's third week for me now and I'm already behind.
I find that after I started meeting with my professors in their offices and explaining my circumstances, things were somewhat better. I still have to take responsibility for my actions, but I do think some of them are a bit more accommodating where they can.
As for homework...
I cannot do homework.. AT HOME. Too many distractions.
I have to either do it at school or stay up REALLY LATE at home and see what I can get done when there is nothing else happening.
But then, I wind up eating all night.
I also have headphones for my iPod, a baseball cap, and a hoodie.
With my music on loud (and repetitive), my cap pulled down over my brow, and the hood pulled up over all that, I can shut out most stimuli and really get a move on with the work.
I probably looked stupid doing all that but it works for me!
Just picture a 47y.o. guy in a hoodie, swaying back-and-forth, while his foot or feet tap/bounce in rhythm to some unheard beat, probably making a noise every once-in-a-while or laughing out loud, talking to his computer, drinking water by the liter and/or coffee... barefoot.
I'm not sure, but I kinda figure I don't draw many admiring glances for the 'weird old fart who just escaped from the loony bin'.
BUT... it works for me.
You just gotta find something that will allow you to focus on the work.
Definitely break it up into small chunks as was suggested above.
I also found that a study group helped some, but it was hard for me to get myself to show up.
I wish you well.