Had the Mother Of All Meltdowns tonight. Can't recall having one this bad since childhood. I totally lost it. Locked myself in my room, howled on the floor into a pillow for a good thirty minutes, bawling my eyes out.
Why? Statistics. I've been doing well in the course thus far, save for some sensory overstimulation problems that had me rocking through my entire exam the other day. I'm getting A's for the most part. But I do have a "math block". I can be going along just fine, and I hit a wall. Everything that made perfect sense three seconds ago suddenly looks like it's Chinese to me (I can't read Chinese). All these symbols and equations and formulas might as well have been scribble. I read and read the sentences over and over, but the words were all individual, not strung together, and meant nothing.
Last night I encountered the problem, studied until 4AM and finally turned the light out and went to sleep. I figured a new day would improve the situation. Err no. Still Chinese. When I realized there was just no way the assignment was going to get done by deadline (midnight) I freaked.
Funny thing. After that, I got up, read the book, read the supplemental stuff, and finished the assignment (equations, calculations, formulas and all) and submitted it minutes before midnight.
But wow. I feel completely insane right now for having hit that point. I haven't been forced to do math I had difficulty with since 6th grade. I had a meltdown much like this one at that time as well. I specifically recall my mother telling me, "You look like an as*hole. I ought to tape record you so you can see and hear what an as*hole you look like."
Ah. So I feel like an as*hole. But on the bright side, I think I did ok on the assignment.
They tell me I think too much. I tell them they don't think enough.