College Roomates and Dorm life how did you survive it /w AS?

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22 Dec 2007, 5:31 am

Well I was roomed with someone the complete opposite of me, a football player for carthage. The first day I got there and the guy had already been living there for a couple of weeks for practice so I already felt mega awkward about moving into someone elses space, especially considering his stuff was all over the room. Well anyway I had filled out on the roomate form that I am quiet and into studying and need privacy, now they put me on the study floor which happen to have pretty much all the football players there who I guess was part of there contract with there coach so that they could keep high grades to be on the study floor. Basically the floor was probably one of the noises ones and yet it was supposed to be a study floor an noise and music was supposed be low past 8p.m. :|, he used to have tonso f friends in the room every day and they would just come in whenever looking for him I pretend ot be fine withit cuz i dont want to be a socially awkward and act like everything is just fine and dandy to try to fit in and make friends and not offend anyone.

I cannot study with more then 1 person in the room and I prefer to study in my room with my computer then go to the library or something.

Anyway nothing went right and I requested my own room but they told me that I didn't need it an they kept telling me to work it out with my roomate, so i talk to my parents, and my dad says "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU just get through with it everyone goes to the dorm there first year at college nobody gets there own apartment" (yeah he thinks im a normal kid like he was at college)

I finally after months eventually convince my parents to try to help me get a residence outside of the dorms, and I had still only a couple of friends on campus one was my roomates brother who was also a freshman, and another person who was at my old treatment place in idaho (small world I guess) and a few ppl i met in classes, but other then that roomate and dorm life was near impossible for me to feel comfortable at all and after the first semester I had just told my parents that I need this fixed or Im going to drop out and they finally let me move into my own apartment nearby so anyway im jsut wondering how other people survived the roomates and dorm life at college or in boarding schools?


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22 Dec 2007, 6:37 am

After boarding school every other shared accommodation I have inhabited has been easy!

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22 Dec 2007, 8:59 am

I can't live with other people except my kids (they had to conform to me anyway)

When I was a kid my mum said I should go live in the middle of a field by myself .... (cos I complained the tv was too loud at night when I was trying to sleep)

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22 Dec 2007, 10:48 am

I spent most of my first year of college and dorm life drunk! Just like everybody else so i fit in pretty well, i was known by my roommates as the quiet kid who could only talk to people one on one. I had a lot of fun and it was the most sociable time of my life.

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22 Dec 2007, 7:20 pm

My only real roommate issue was I went to sleep earlier than her, and because I have sleep issues, I have to keep a regular schedule. I felt bad kind of 'kicking her out.' I like her a lot, but she is VERY highstrung, and was always having stress issues and especially boyfriend issues. At times, it was overwhelming because I'm terrible at comforting people. I went home most weekends. I feel like I should start drinking, because it will make me more social, and I'll fit in better. But I've never done it and I don't really want to start now. Therefore, I have no weekend social life. During the week I have fun most of the time though, and have a group of friends. I just don't go out with them at night.


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22 Dec 2007, 11:27 pm



I lived in a dorm freshman year.

I live in an on campus house, this year.

I love my guys, they're awesome, have cars, (I'm a procrastinator in getting my license)

and we have four fridges, five if you count the one I use for my milk and orange juice, and two microwaves, plus a load of food.

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23 Dec 2007, 12:28 pm

I have suitemates and I have no problems with them.

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23 Dec 2007, 5:25 pm

Would it be possible for you to request accommodations from the college (such as a single room)? I suffered through a little more than a year of living with a roommate before I realized that I really couldn't take it anymore, and I have an AS diagnosis which can help me to get the privacy I needed. I was a bit resistant about requesting special treatment at first, but getting a single room based on "medical need" was certainly the right choice. I found it very difficult to live with another person, especially because doubles at my college are so small. I love having a single. I have my space and privacy and can do what I like, go to sleep when I like, etc. The one problem I had with living in singles was that I do have a problem with meltdowns, and some of my neighbors found that scary and disturbing. Last year I was moved into a suite with six other girls, but they were so disturbed by my meltdowns and pacing (stimming in general) that I had to leave. Thankfully I haven't had too many problems living in a detached single, but having suitemates and roommates presented significant problems for me.


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23 Dec 2007, 8:09 pm

srriv345 wrote:
Would it be possible for you to request accommodations from the college (such as a single room)? I suffered through a little more than a year of living with a roommate before I realized that I really couldn't take it anymore, and I have an AS diagnosis which can help me to get the privacy I needed. I was a bit resistant about requesting special treatment at first, but getting a single room based on "medical need" was certainly the right choice. I found it very difficult to live with another person, especially because doubles at my college are so small. I love having a single. I have my space and privacy and can do what I like, go to sleep when I like, etc. The one problem I had with living in singles was that I do have a problem with meltdowns, and some of my neighbors found that scary and disturbing. Last year I was moved into a suite with six other girls, but they were so disturbed by my meltdowns and pacing (stimming in general) that I had to leave. Thankfully I haven't had too many problems living in a detached single, but having suitemates and roommates presented significant problems for me.

Yes it is possible for you just got to your ODS for more information

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25 Dec 2007, 3:09 am

I don't know if it's just cos I went to a really sh*tty school first year or if it was due to living in the dorms, but I almost didn't finish the school year (and with the grades I got, I may as well have dropped out anyway). I had a roommate the first couple months but after two switches (first roommates were LOUD and the second came in drunk late at night all the time), but then housing gave me a single. It was tiny, smelly, and I could still hear other people, but it was much better. I switched schools and live in my own (quiet!! !) apartment now and I couldn't be HAPPIER. I feel like I'm HOME. My advice? Single or apartment. In Succeeding in College with Asperger's, they actually say Aspies should not have roommates because we just need privacy/quiet too much.


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25 Dec 2007, 6:30 pm

During my freshman year, my roommate rarely went to class and mostly spend the day in the dorm playing video games and watching movies. I spend most of my time outside the dorm to study.


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27 Dec 2007, 1:54 am

I had a really awesome roommate last year, even though we were very different. She's an art major and I stay as far away from art, theater and anything else like that as I can. This year, I live in a single room, but anyone can apply for a single room on campus. I chose one because I knew that I would be taking a fairly heavy course load this year and I'd need more time to study. I think it just depends on where you go to school.

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18 Jan 2008, 7:01 pm

This is my freshman year in college and I got stuck in a single dorm room with 3 other people. It sucks but you get used to it after a while. My grades have suffered considerably due to the lack of quietness, but its getting better. For the most part my roommates are quiet-ish so its not to big of a deal. The easiest way to get some quiet is listen to music.


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27 Jan 2008, 10:05 pm


having my own room...
Having my own time in room (escape)

Socialising in common room.. nightly... mainly watching tv...
seeing what everyone was up to...
ha knocking on doors... cruising on in... - other people get bored to haha annoy them..

drinking... studying... organising study areas :D
group study haha

oh the memories eh

and guess routine :D going to pub watching sport... drinking cheap beer... and yea... every sunday buying fruit at market... well most... dvd nites :D nites on town.. nites at uni

oh the remeniscing * however its spelt
yea i studied architecture so many late nites and crazy adventures... in new zealand so yea drinking age 18 haha

but yea... "ROUTINE" best advice i guess eh..


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27 Jan 2008, 10:10 pm

kiwi wrote:

having my own room...
Having my own time in room (escape)

Socialising in common room.. nightly... mainly watching tv...
seeing what everyone was up to...
ha knocking on doors... cruising on in... - other people get bored to haha annoy them..

drinking... studying... organising study areas :D
group study haha

oh the memories eh

and guess routine :D going to pub watching sport... drinking cheap beer... and yea... every sunday buying fruit at market... well most... dvd nites :D nites on town.. nites at uni

oh the remeniscing * however its spelt
yea i studied architecture so many late nites and crazy adventures... in new zealand so yea drinking age 18 haha

but yea... "ROUTINE" best advice i guess eh..


Well in my case, we all respect each other and give each other space. We even don't bother each other when we're doing something private in our rooms.

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