I've reached that point in time again where I'm ready to head off to school. I have my shopping done, I have my class schedule ready to go. I've spent the past two weeks or so mentally preping myself for labor day. As some of you may remember from last year, move in day last year was one of the worst days I've had in a long time.
Yes, 55 hours from now I will be back in oshkosh for yet another year of fun.
Last year was OK. I managed a 3.0 GPA, but the social isolation I've experience most of my life continued on.
I have to go to disability services and inform them of my DX, and try to get some kind of help for math so I have a fleeting chance of passing the two math classes I need to fullfill the math portion of my B.S. degree
This semester I have a roomate that lives up near Rice Lake, so it's unlikely he'll be spending any major time off campus, which means I won't have as much solitude this semester I had last year.
However, if him and I get along, I could pull what some of you here have done and leach off his social popularity.
On the other hand, I have to find some way of telling him about AS, and more importantly, the tics I have.
Will he accept me as? Or will he shun me and make fun of me behind my back?
Time will tell...
(P.S.) Magic - I know I have neglected your emails as of lately. I promise to get back to you as soon as I get settled in at oshkosh.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...