i am sick to death of going to a special school

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24 Feb 2008, 9:20 am

I HATE going to a special school. in normal schools, i get the living tar beaten out of me, so in a way, bullies have sent me to a special school. im too smart for special schools! my parent agree, my teachers agree and 'doctors' agree too.

i took an IQ test the other day and i scored have an iq of 145! im too smart, but i cant move schools! im trapped and destined to become a loser!

i doesn't help me, it makes me worse. I have more meltdowns at the special school im at now than in all the norm schools combine!! !

the teachers talk to me as if im a ret*d and im told off for feeling sad! THOSE PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME!

the kids don't understand true art or poetry, and I cant talk about science without anoter kid gawking at me! im trapped! and ill never get out of this prison!! ! someone tell me a way to find a way to get out of this darn place!! !

S.O.S!! !

Haven't been here a while. Huh.


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24 Feb 2008, 9:25 am

Kris94 wrote:
I HATE going to a special school. in normal schools, i get the living tar beaten out of me, so in a way, bullies have sent me to a special school. im too smart for special schools! my parent agree, my teachers agree and 'doctors' agree too.

i took an IQ test the other day and i scored have an iq of 145! im too smart, but i cant move schools! im trapped and destined to become a loser!

i doesn't help me, it makes me worse. I have more meltdowns at the special school im at now than in all the norm schools combine!! !

the teachers talk to me as if im a ret*d and im told off for feeling sad! THOSE PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME!

the kids don't understand true art or poetry, and I cant talk about science without anoter kid gawking at me! im trapped! and ill never get out of this prison!! ! someone tell me a way to find a way to get out of this darn place!! !

S.O.S!! !

what type of special school is it?
Not all special schools are for people with intellectual disabilities-EBDs especially,but it sounds like this one isn't a right match,what about home education,or if parents cannot have time to do it,have a tutor come to home to teach?

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist; http://theresidentialautist.blogspot.co.uk
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!


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24 Feb 2008, 9:28 am

a mix of kids with moderate learning diffculties ans severe learning difficulties.

i have NO learning difficulties, and i feel mad that ive been labeled as having them! :x

Haven't been here a while. Huh.


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24 Feb 2008, 9:46 am

I can see where your comin from Kris94 i used 2 go 2 a special needs school and for me i wasn't gettin anythin from it as the work was very easy and you don't learn a great deal from it so then they put me into secondary school but that didn't go too well either as i would get bullied 2 often so decided 2 put me in college instead.


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24 Feb 2008, 10:00 am

I went to Autism specific school called Rosehill Special School in Nottingham from 1998-2004, and although it was overall a positive experience I can fully understand where you are coming from on the IQ bit and the way the teachers treat you. I was one of about 3 other Aspies at the school, the rest of the pupils were moderate to severe Autism and many could not speak etc. I learned alot personaly about Autism and how it effects people, and I learned alot about myself too, but I missed out on all my exams and alot of academic work, which would have greatly benefited me in later life because the school's resourses did not really accomodate higher functioning people that well. I was patronised BIG TIME too, some of it was because I was going through a particularly hard time and was very depressed. I was constantly told if I did not "snap out of it" and "cheer up" they would call in the psych team and have me assessed with the possiblity of being put in hospital, all because I mentioned suicide a few times and took great solace in the music of Nirvana, I personaly think they are the reason I am still alive and my mum found sheets of their lyrics under my bed and a print out of Kurt's "suicide note" which I was reading after I found out he may have been murdered and the last lines were supposed to have been added by someone else, and told the school, who thought I was going to commit suicide just because I loved Nirvana and their music. In the end they did "report" me to the psychs, who did assess me and found nothing wrong with me apart from alot of fustration at not being able to use my IQ to it's full potential, so it backfired on them lol. I also loved things that none of the other pupils could even comprehend, like music, art, poetry, tv, loads of pretty ordanary stuff, and yes it was hard trying to get through the day unable to express my interests to my peers. Also alot of the time once we went to the "16 + dept" we were left sitting about on sofa's doing colouring sheets, MEH. Alot of the lessons were pretty low level stuff too, aimed at those wither very complex needs and low IQ levels. I had to travel there every day by taxi, and the taxi driver was really cool, so no matter how bored I was in school, I could discuss pretty much any of my interests with him lol.

Hope this helped, feel free to ask me anything else if you like.


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24 Feb 2008, 10:01 am

Kris94 wrote:
i took an IQ test the other day and i scored have an iq of 145! im too smart, but i cant move schools! im trapped and destined to become a loser!
God-damn it, shut up! That's bull hockey, and you should have looked into it before getting into this...mindset. You're wrong, and you can look up the information for yourself if you want to. I've basically done it myself. I'm working on two bachelors right now, and I'm coming from a similar situation to yours. Heh, and the classload I'm taking has a lot of the professors at my college staring over their lenses, going, "How do you do it?" That's another story, though.

If you live in the US, anyway, all you'd have to do in order to attend some of the top universities in this country is attend a local community or technical college for your associate's degree, and, from there, you can go on to earn your bachelor and continue on to graduate school. It's a little harder for you to do, but there is nothing in the world keeping you from getting ahead. Hell, most grad students don't even pay for their education. They go in on research grants and other crap. The only thing you'd have to pay for in student loans is your undergrad, and that's if your parents don't back you. Mine aren't because, between the meltdowns (they've almost stopped, thankfully) and differences in worldview, they've long since ceased to give a crap.

i doesn't help me, it makes me worse. I have more meltdowns at the special school im at now than in all the norm schools combine!! !
I used to have them constantly. I know they're horrible, but please don't let them worry you too much. It gets better as your central nervous system matures and stabilizes. For some reason, listening to a lot of thrash metal helped me a lot, and I showed a slight reduction in meltdowns when I was trying to lower my exposure to light. That's just what helped me, though. Your case might be different. Just remain calm, and stay hopeful.

the teachers talk to me as if im a ret*d and im told off for feeling sad! THOSE PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME!
I think they just want you to relax. In their own messed-up way, they are trying to help you. Just be nice to the crazy lady who mistakes you for a pigeon and tries to feed you bird seed. She knows not what she does, but she has a kind heart.

the kids don't understand true art or poetry, and I cant talk about science without anoter kid gawking at me! im trapped! and ill never get out of this prison!! ! someone tell me a way to find a way to get out of this darn place!! !
You mean if you're really stuck in the laughing academy, and there's no possible way to get back into regular classes? Get your GED, and finish your education at a community or technical college. An associate's degree works about the same as a High School diploma+SAT score, and it'll get you into most universities, particularly if you have acceptable grades.

Don't let this stuff get you down, man. You're a lot better off than most NORMAL people your age. You actually care. A lot of your peers are out partying, doing drugs, chasing women...they're going nowhere, and they don't even know it. Just do what's right, and try to get along with those who care about you even if they don't really have the ability to understand you. Hell, you're lucky if you can ever understand you. Just try to be nice to nice people, even if they're imbeciles. Be patient, to the best of your ability, and always be forgiving to the pure of heart. Tail high, man. There is always a way. I promise.


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24 Feb 2008, 10:26 am


That really sounds like you are in the wrong place.
but I don't think having the living ---- beaten out of you in a normal school is not the right place either.
I sounds to me you are quite young and have plenty of time to change you situation there is almost certainly a better school somewhere available to you that will better suite your needs and this should be pursued.
In the meantime try and accept your situation, find avenues by which you can pursue your own interests.
You are very likely to find yourself wherever you go to be among others who are not at all like yourself, it takes all sorts to make a world.

I don't think they have schools like the one I went to nowadays but there must be something similar (we were a mix of all sorts with high intelligence and a multitude of social problems) it was not easy but I did leave with a good set of skills both social and working.

good luck.

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24 Feb 2008, 10:37 am

Okay, since you're British, my best advice for you is to actually read as much literature as you can about the routes that it is possible for you to take. If there is anything equivalent to a G.E.D in your country, consider it, but make sure to read all the literature on it before making any rash decisions. There's always something written on it that you can get your hands on. A G.E.D, by the way, is basically a rough equivalent to a high school diploma that can get you into small colleges and technical schools. It's an American thing, but I'm sure the U.K. has something similar.

Most importantly, though, I urge you to email someone who works at one of the universities near you for more information on what the options are for a person in your position. Ask whether they accept transfers from smaller colleges, find out whether it's possible to repair your academic standing after a poor career in high school. Whatever you do, stay on top of things. Read into these things as much as you can. You have to chart your own course. Again, though, I assure you that it's not all doom and gloom if you're willing to stay on top of things and look at the road ahead.

Again, be nice to your dumbass teachers. If they're really kind-hearted people, they deserve to be appreciated, so try to humor them. It is the more mature thing to do, and putting a smile on for them actually makes you look more intelligent. You'll always have to get along with nice people who don't know any better. Besides, it doesn't make sense to discourage people who try to be nice to others.

And do your homework. That means a lot more than the crap that's assigned to you. Read all the literature that you can about the different routes there are to a good, pedigreed, university education. If you really want to go somewhere, there is nothing at all stopping you if you're really determined.


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24 Feb 2008, 10:51 am

Okay, ask your counsellor (there's surely something equivalent. It's a guy who sits in an office that students can go to if they want to talk or ask about something, roughly) if you are still going to be allowed to take your GCSE. Find what information you can on that, actually. It's a major university entrance exam, to my understanding.

Take the initiative, though. Your education isn't going to be handed to you. I learned that the hard way. A proactive student is a successful student. Often, you have to tell off a few ignorant monkeys and go above their heads to really get anything done. For example, my academic advisor started out by saying I couldn't get into this one class, and she told me that, if there were any doubt in my mind, I could go ask the chair of the department. The chair of the department told me to stop being an idiot and that it was up to the professor as to whether I could be admitted into her class. Well, I went to ask the professor, and she said "no" right away, so I gave her a thirty-minute lecture on the subject that convinced her that I wasn't just some idiot trying to get in over his head.

Anyway, I'll keep looking for information on the subject. This is a different system from the US, though, and I might have to make a few inquiries at the institutions in your area. I'll annoy whomever I have to, though.

I really really want to do what I can to help you, though. I've been in very similar hells, personally.


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24 Feb 2008, 10:57 am

The G.E.D. is generally frowned on(So I don't think U.S. kids should see it as an option), but the GCSE is apparently respected. Anyway, GET OUT OF THAT SCHOOL! It is POISON! Try to study a grade or so past main stream, and try to get into a GIFTED school. They supposedly have them in the US now, and I'm sure they do in Europe.


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24 Feb 2008, 12:34 pm

Oh, I was only figuring it would be better than what he's in right now. A few of my acquaintances got out of similar plights by just dropping out with the GED, and the GED is accepted at all community colleges. If you perform well there, that's all the university usually looks at. Yes, the GED is frowned upon by classist assclowns, but, if you made As and Bs in WTF Community College, the university doesn't care. They're looking for dedicated students, not people who have never had to face any kind of hardship. The kind of people who care whether you got a GED or a diploma three years ago are mostly the same kind of people I'd love to beat to death with a brickbat. They never consider the circumstances. They don't care about the circumstances. To them, it's nothing but a status symbol. I dislike people who chase or care about status symbols, and I have no tolerance for them whatsoever. I consider them vermin. VERMIN, I TELL YOU! They're like the cockroaches that infest the upper and middle echelons of society.

The point, though, is that you're setting yourself up for failure if you don't take lengths to do your own research on these matters. You have to know your options and how to pursue them, or you will be smacked down at every turning point in your life. A really determined person can go anywhere. It's like having a universal V.I.P. pass. It's the first thing that the people at the universities check for.


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24 Feb 2008, 2:56 pm

Griff wrote:
Oh, I was only figuring it would be better than what he's in right now. A few of my acquaintances got out of similar plights by just dropping out with the GED, and the GED is accepted at all community colleges. If you perform well there, that's all the university usually looks at. Yes, the GED is frowned upon by classist assclowns, but, if you made As and Bs in WTF Community College, the university doesn't care. They're looking for dedicated students, not people who have never had to face any kind of hardship. The kind of people who care whether you got a GED or a diploma three years ago are mostly the same kind of people I'd love to beat to death with a brickbat. They never consider the circumstances. They don't care about the circumstances. To them, it's nothing but a status symbol. I dislike people who chase or care about status symbols, and I have no tolerance for them whatsoever. I consider them vermin. VERMIN, I TELL YOU! They're like the cockroaches that infest the upper and middle echelons of society.

The point, though, is that you're setting yourself up for failure if you don't take lengths to do your own research on these matters. You have to know your options and how to pursue them, or you will be smacked down at every turning point in your life. A really determined person can go anywhere. It's like having a universal V.I.P. pass. It's the first thing that the people at the universities check for.

YEP! You're RIGHT! They are ALSO the same vermin that suggest you go to college, and perhaps even SCHOOL!

Frankly, if you have done well at jobs, WHAT does school matter? Some people that get As at college are IDIOTS! Some people that are VERY smart never set foot on a campus! Still, as you said, they have INFESTED the better parts of society. THAT is what I was talking about.


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24 Feb 2008, 3:31 pm

Okay ive never been to a special school so i dont know what it is like although when i was being bullied i did consider going to one at one point , so i guess i do kinda see where you are coming from.

My advice is to speak to people about how you are feeling and maybe see how you get on in a 'normal' school.

luv xx


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24 Feb 2008, 3:52 pm

I don't know if this is an option for the original poster, but a lot of school districts give high school students the option of completing a high school degree by taking community college classes. The social environment is probably better than that in high school, and you also get more choice in the courses you take, which is good for aspies. My aspie boyfriend was teased in regular high school and did this starting in his sophomore year. It wasn't perfect for him, but it did improve his life academically and emotionally. My 16-year old sister is not aspie, but she takes community college classes for her high school degree because she has health problems. The schedule works out much better, and it's less stressful. Through this kind of program, both were able to take more classes which were interesting to them (writing for my bf, psychology for my sister). Can you find out if this is possible in your school district? It might work better than either special ed or regular high school. Most universities will look favorably on someone who does well in CC classes as a high school student, btw.

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24 Feb 2008, 4:24 pm

Kris94 wrote:
I HATE going to a special school. in normal schools, i get the living tar beaten out of me, so in a way, bullies have sent me to a special school. im too smart for special schools! my parent agree, my teachers agree and 'doctors' agree too.

i took an IQ test the other day and i scored have an iq of 145! im too smart, but i cant move schools! im trapped and destined to become a loser!

i doesn't help me, it makes me worse. I have more meltdowns at the special school im at now than in all the norm schools combine!! !

the teachers talk to me as if im a ret*d and im told off for feeling sad! THOSE PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME!

the kids don't understand true art or poetry, and I cant talk about science without anoter kid gawking at me! im trapped! and ill never get out of this prison!! ! someone tell me a way to find a way to get out of this darn place!! !

S.O.S!! !

In mainstream school the best thing to do if you go to one is to keep you head down and no matter what don't show off you abilities; if you need help in you studies try to see teachers discreetly to avoid giving people any chance of bullying. Int he case of special schools if you want to know more then self teaching myself alot of the things has helped me alot. In some subjects where the teaching isn't so good I teach myself it from text books to get ahead of entire classes. Works for me.