Should I tell my school I have Autism/AS? Help

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should I tell the Instutute I am Autistic/AS
Poll ended at 06 Mar 2008, 10:58 pm
don't tell them 36%  36%  [ 4 ]
tell them 36%  36%  [ 4 ]
did you tell your school 9%  9%  [ 1 ]
you did not tell your school 18%  18%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 11


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15 Feb 2008, 10:58 pm

I will be going to school in June. to the motorcycle mechanics instutute in AZ.

I don't know if I should tell them I am Autistic/AS.

What would be the benfit of telling them?

What if they find out and I am not treated farly?

Or they might look at me more closely and judge me more than others? and be more critical of my work than normal student?

AAAaa! what should I do? Help

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16 Feb 2008, 12:24 am

That depends, if you need special accomidations because of AS then tell them. I think theres disability laws so they cant discriminate against you. But if you dont need any special accomidations and your uncomfortable with telling them then dont tell them.

Tufted Titmouse
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16 Feb 2008, 12:50 am

^ What that person said.

They might look at me more closely and judge me more than others?
That will probably happen... but it shouldn't matter what other people think. If you do feel the need to tell them, just explain well, so people will understand.


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16 Feb 2008, 7:49 am

tell em :P


look at the benefits... I dont know what does your course entail?

you could get reader writers no?
or... yea BENEFITS are good.. lifes not fair.. Use our advantage screw the rest.. whats morals :P

lol Ive been thinking about the whole extra support thing at study atm eh... and... At first I wanted to play ball fair... didnt want others to think im gettin it easy but i spoke to the disabilty people.. AND they said what i do with my notes is my business.. I was saying if I got a reader writer for lectures it would be good if it were the class reader writer in case someone missed a lecture they could get notes....
she said i could hand out the notes so that makes me feel good.. like a hero haha...

But dont know how im going to "pitch" it to the class mates yet.. it s pretty competitive architecture study...

haha "I think theres disability laws so they cant discriminate against you"

lol where are these laws lol... They might come in handy :D lol.....

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23 Feb 2008, 5:49 pm

I haven't told my high school, and I don't plan to tell my college [s]because I'm paranoid[/s] because I don't want to get any s**t from them. I mean, they'll probably mean well and everything, but I want to teach elementary school and I don't want a prospective employer looking back at my records and being less likely to hire me because he goes all, "Hmmm... so she's like Rain Man, then?" Of course they're not supposed to make judgements like that, but unfortunately, I doubt that it always works out that way.

I'd say whether you tell them or not should depend on your own personal situation- just weigh the benefits vs. the pitfalls. :P

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23 Feb 2008, 6:35 pm

Ihdreniel wrote:
... "Hmmm... so she's like Rain Man, then?" Of course they're not supposed to make judgements like that, but unfortunately, I doubt that it always works out that way.

I'd say whether you tell them or not should depend on your own personal situation- just weigh the benefits vs. the pitfalls. :P


yea PEOPLE judge eh!! !

lol.. what can we do?... except create a good image for aspergers !


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24 Feb 2008, 3:10 pm

Like someone mentioned, it's gonna go in your record probably. I'd be a bit wary about it, because most people don't know about Asperger's and they might think "Okay this kid's autistic. We should put him in SPECIAL classes!"