deep-techno wrote:
On a recent episode of The Apprentice
I watch that show; it's kind of one of those train wreck things with some of the people.
Anyway, I was like that for a long time. I had straight As and A+s without any effort until 4th grade, which was my first B(+ maybe? I don't remember). I came home and cried because it definitely wasn't up to my standard.
It came as an unpleasant shock when I had to start trying in the later grades; everyone else had caught up enough so that they would teach things that I didn't know or didn't have an innate grasp on. That was my first year with a C; I vaguely remember meltingdown over that. From then until this year, I tried really hard to be perfect; I did all my homework, paid attention, studied sometimes (studying is rarely necessary for me), ect. Still not perfect grades, but none lower than a B- in one really bad course, I think.
This year is the first year where I really don't care. I got a D in one of my classes (there were two assignments; I didn't do one of them. It was an elective though, so it didn't count for much), but it didn't really bother me. I'm not trying nearly as hard, and I'm still passing with decent grades (lowest grade this quarter is a C+; low, but not too bad, considering I never did any of the homework, and it's the next lowest is a solid B; highest grade is an A).
I don't know which I prefer, to tell the truth... My mother said earlier on in the year that she noticed that I hadn't been obsessive with my grades, and she was glad, because I had been stressing myself out. And I do like my schedule a lot better without caring. On the other hand though, the lower grades still irk me, and I'm not pleased with myself at all for them. I just don't have the motivation to do anything about it.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!