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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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03 Mar 2008, 10:08 pm

Ok so I have a few interviews for medical school coming up and I wonder, has anyone gone through this process? What was it like and how did you prepare? I know that the schools will want to know why I changed from engineering to medicine and I have that covered seeing as I can apply engineering principles to medicine since they are both science based. I was an electrical engineering major at university and then switched over. Interest in medicine peaked when I was doing a research project constructing presentations for a class that is basically electrical engineering for non-majors. I encountered some new materials that related to application of electrical engineering to biomedical engineering and that peaked my interest. I even have the question of why I want to be a doctor answered.


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03 Mar 2008, 10:59 pm

So.... why do you want to be a doctor?
Perhaps the degree is on the path to your becoming a prosthetics or artificial body parts researcher?

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04 Mar 2008, 12:20 pm

Thanks for the reply

I want to be a doctor because I have a strong desire to solve problems (the engineering degree) and help people live better lives. The degree actually is interesting me in the brain since the nervous system is based on electrochemical signals and signal processing is a heavy interest of mine

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04 Mar 2008, 12:46 pm

Good for you! I hope your interviewers are as impressed as I am. I look forward to seeing good things come from your lab. Ah.... many years from now.


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04 Mar 2008, 1:21 pm

I can not hewlp you with anything but my best wishes!

I am not a native speaker. Please contact me if I made grammatical mistakes in the posting above.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 Mar 2008, 8:37 pm

Best of luck. I think that it takes a lot of courage for an Aspie to become a doctor. Its something I'm considering but leaning against.

Anyway, I don't think that the fact you are changing from engineering to medicine will be as much of an issue as you think. There are plenty of med school applicants in the U.S. who were not biology or biochemistry majors, and people changing their mind is pretty commonplace. If your grades have been good, the engineering major shouldn't hurt you, and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't mentioned much.

What will be an issue is your prior experience with health care and volunteering, at least if you are interviewing in the U.S. Med schools are pretty keen on admitting people who have previous experience with patients, as they want to make sure that the applicant really wants to work with patients.


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05 Mar 2008, 12:23 am

I am not bio-related or premed or anything like at all, but I would think that coming from engineering would be a HUGE plus (instead of minus)

med schools seem to encourage very strongly majoring in something else instead of biology (unless biology is indeed your favorite subject) and with more and more med schools requiring calculus I think it's a major benefit to have more math and physical science.

for one thing you can argue that (especially if you're a biological engineering major) is you are more analytical and can approach medicine from an engineering perspective. plus you should really emphasize how you want to help people.

if you're not a biological engineering major but some other kind of engineering major, how did you possibly complete pre-med and engineering both since there's like zero overlap??

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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05 Mar 2008, 7:35 pm


I'm still volunteering at the local hospital in the emergency room so that should be a plus for me as I have direct interaction with patients


I completed engineering first (electrical engineering) so I had the general chemistry and physics covered (I have so much physics since I focused on optics and communications for electrical engineering and have an interest in signal processing). Then I took some time off studied like mad for the MCAT (biology review, chemistry review) and took biology, and organic chemistry (pre-med requirements) after I obtained my bachelor's of science in engineering.

thanks to everybody for the warm wishes.

By the way does it count against me that I am researching AS as well? (I am studying Dr. Atwood's Complete Guide to Asperger's right now as well).

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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06 Mar 2008, 6:13 pm

Sorry to bump this

For those who have been through this process, what was your experience like? Did you feel stressed out and what did they ask you? I'm preparing still but it is very helpful to have feedback from those who have actually gone through this.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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06 Mar 2008, 10:29 pm

Unfortunately, I cannot imagine that one would find many people on an Aspie message board who have applied to medical school. I would imagine that Aspies are much more likely to go for a Ph.D and go into research than into clinical medicine. One reason for this is because research will require less interpersonal interaction, and the interaction that is required is generally with other researchers who can understand them. Also, people on the autism spectrum generally have fairly specific skills and strengths, as Temple Grandin has pointed out in one of her books. Going into research allows you to pursue that skill, whereas going into medicine requires you to be much more of a generalist. Also, poor physical coordination may make medicine difficult for some Aspies (though it also may affect certain types of research as well).

For more information about what the medical school interviewing process is like, visit ... w_read.asp
Also try browsing at

dark_mage wrote:
Sorry to bump this

For those who have been through this process, what was your experience like? Did you feel stressed out and what did they ask you? I'm preparing still but it is very helpful to have feedback from those who have actually gone through this.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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08 Mar 2008, 9:54 am

Actually I've pursued student doctor and have come up with some good information. I was just curious if others here had gone through that process. Preparing for these interviews is stressful but I'm just trying to prepare properly for them. Thanks to everybody for their input.


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09 Mar 2008, 9:06 am

I'm studying AS right now too. Not trying to be annoying, but my blog is a virtual compendium of AS and autism related links. . You should check it out if you want more info on AS.

I did instrumental music education in undergrad, took a year off, and then moved halfway across the country to attend graduate school and study music therapy. Like you, they're connected, but there are some significant differences.

I think as long as we stick to it and refuse to give up, then we can both succeed.

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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10 Mar 2008, 2:11 pm

lastcrazyhorn wrote:
I'm studying AS right now too. Not trying to be annoying, but my blog is a virtual compendium of AS and autism related links. . You should check it out if you want more info on AS.

I did instrumental music education in undergrad, took a year off, and then moved halfway across the country to attend graduate school and study music therapy. Like you, they're connected, but there are some significant differences.

I think as long as we stick to it and refuse to give up, then we can both succeed.

Your blog was quite helpful actually the story you posted about the batman watch was an interesting insight. Thank you also for the encouragement as well

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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21 Mar 2008, 8:44 pm

So I just had my first interview on March 19th 2008 in Chicago. Wow, even with preparation I was nervous as can be. I arrived early and completed my interview here are some of the questions asked: Answers in ()

Why do you want to be a doctor? (Strong desire to solve problems and help people live better lives)

What was your greatest hardship and how did you overcome it (20 credit semester during undergraduate hard work and determination)

What characteristics make you adaptable (Flexibility, being relaxed, trying to understand situation instead of just reacting to it)

What are your strengths? (Can't remember answer to this)

What are your weaknesses? (Being Stubborn and freezing)

How are you addressing your weaknesses? (Counseling self)

Why did you take physics 3 times (First time during summer had hard teacher for second part transfered had to take it at other university then took it for refresher)

How did you prepare for the MCAT? (Prep course)

How do you feel about your MCAT scores (Proud about second one)

Why us? (Can't remember answer to this)

What would like me to tell the Committee that's not in your app? (Moving from physics based major is advantage for me even though physics was weak point) (I believe this is what I said difficulty remembering)

I see that you don't have advanced biology or chemistry how will that affect you in the basic sciences (It won't because I will teach it to myself)

All in all I think I did fine but we will see the results soon. One interview down one to go.


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25 Mar 2008, 4:40 pm

wow, i'm in electrical engineering right now and just started looking into getting into the medical field. I'm considering either getting into neurology after med school, or getting into neuroscience instead of medicine.

good luck with all of this, keep us posted on how it goes.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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26 Mar 2008, 11:11 am

Here's what happened:

The first school I interviewed with I got accepted (and now have to complete the paperwork :D)

I have another interview coming up and am using a video of myself to practice