I tended not too feel too strongly about them, but there are some special ones. These are throughout the high school years.
-Child Psychology (I dropped it)
-Creative Cuisine (dropped it too)
-Health and Wellness (required)
-Chemistry (required)
-Sociology (easy class, so I kept it)
-World History (required)
-Mysteries (easy class again)
The funny thing is that all of those classes would have been decent if there was a decent teacher in charge. Child Psychology and Creative Cuisine were both taught by a woman who informed us that it was not acceptable to be introverted and that we absolutely had to be extroverted in her class. Ha, not happening.
Health and Wellness... well, that might have just been a boring class in general, but the teacher couldn't control anyone, and it was so, so dry.
Chemistry had a crazy teacher; besides offending me about half the time (jokes about southerns and how stupid they are), she did not like me at all (I didn't speak in her class, didn't really pay much attention, and still passed easily), and she randomly got mad at people.
Sociology had an incredibly biased teacher; I couldn't stand her.
World History... the teacher there was interesting. She'd randomly freak out and yell at us, and she always got mad at me for the same reasons as the Chem lady; but she also liked me, because I did so well on her tests and projects.
Mysteries had an awful teacher who didn't really teach anything, come to think about it. The others in the class had no interest in reading, much less mysteries, and just spent all their time whining and goofing off. Loud class.
-Spanish III and IV
-Military History
-AP English 11
-Creative Writing
-Study hall (as of now)
Spanish, Military History, and AP English 11 all have (had) great teachers. They were funny, they told neat stories, and they were generally accepting of that fact that I kinda require space and decent seating (without me having to complain). Military History is my favorite class now; I look forward to it when I'm in school.
Creative Writing was an absolute easy for me (first A+ in four years, according to the teacher; A+s all the way through). The teacher was boring, about 2/3rds of the class was loud and distracted, but I enjoy writing creatively, so it was a nice fit anyway.
I'm not even sure why I like statistics. It's easy, yeah, and the other class members are fairly closed minded, but the atmosphere is still pretty nice (I've found that more in math classes than anywhere else, which confuses me). And it gives me a lot of free time.
Study hall is last period for me, so I get to go home early. Yay for last period study hall. When I didn't go home, it sucked.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!