I was in special ed until 5th grade when I became mainstreamed. Indeed both my spec ed class and normal class I never really managed to fit in with anyone ever. Your spec ed class is very strange indeed, I mean only as far as compaired to mine when I was in elementary school.
For starters I had the opposite problem, I was never 'snotty' but did grow up in a household that had a relatvily high income. As a result I was the only 'rich' kid in my spec ed class, and really in all of school, very few got to grow up like I did, and thats both good and bad I suppose. Few knew about global events, some did, many did not, I was pretty young at the time and was less interesting in anything that did not have to do with Desert Storm which ended just prior to me moving into my new spec ed class. As far as a clique goes, all these kids had their own seperate issues, and I never saw many of them form their own groups. Some formed groups with other kids in different classes, mainly the trouble makers. I got into trouble everyday, like half of my class, many had behavior and emotional problems, and I was probably the only ASD kid in that class. I got the feeling some of these kids had bad lives , I had a good life outside of school, friends, and did stuff normal boys that age did. I never heard a racy remark, but heard a bad word used for gays and and of course the boys and girls in the class did not get along well so things were sometimes said, I refrained from saying stuff like that or even did not understand what these words meant. I was the youngest kid in that class.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.